Browse Items (13 total)

An official government page that contains information to support our learners' education during this COVID-19 situation.

Connect is an independent bi-monthly publication supporting active student participation in primary and secondary schools. It is a 'practice journal' that has been published in Australia since late 1979. It is published on-line and is freely…

An article showing how parents and teachers are coping with home based learning in Australia.

Article relates how the private sector, including, Microsoft, GSMA, Weidong, Google and other partners such as World Bank, the World Food Programme and the International Telecommunication Union contribute resources and their expertise around…

A survey of teachers in Australia working harder and longer during remote learning and a write up about important lessons for the future of education.

An infographic on remote learning strategies .

The author interviewed students, parents and teachers about their experience with teaching and learning during the lockdown.

A survey on how teachers feel about the sudden closure of schools, transition to online learning, and the difficulties of negotiating social-distancing and increased hygiene maintenance.

In the presentation, the researchers talk about what these science tools are enabling us to see and how we may begin to see opportunities to create/ make art with the data to draw attention to matters of concern in teaching and learning in COVID-19.
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