How much support does your current school/organisation provide to you for visual art education?
just the right amount
"Thinking about the word &;, within the opportunities and resources available my school provides positive support. The difficulty is finding opportunities in visual arts education that look at teaching in primary education. One of my questions in my reflective practice has been what does quality teaching look like in a primary visual arts class? In the end I've been providing professional learning for others sharing my perspective. Funding was provided to attend national visual arts conference. This was interesting , provided opportunities for my artistic side as an adult who enjoys discussions about artists but it's relevancy to the primary classroom was limited and the opportunity to network with other primary educators from other states didn't exist."
"The Nolan Collection is managed by the Canberra Museum and Gallery [CMAG] on behalf of the Australian Government. As the Nolan Access and Learning Officer, I am in a fortunate position and have been able to successfully apply for Commonwealth funding to develop innovative learning and community programs around this Collection."
"Different artistic skills."
"I have my release time and allocated breaks. I am treated as if I was full time staff."
"My school will support me in going to conferences and workshops, however, there are very rarely opportunities for sharing these experiences with the art teachers I work with."
"Provides time for me to develop curriculum and think about the place of visual arts in the wider school curriculum."
"My school supports me to attend the VAESA conference each year, local PLC's and negotiated time to access to other arts ."
"PD and support for specific projects is forth coming."
"Any initiative we want to start in visual arts education is supported, as long is it is well-researched and productive."
much too little
"Everything I do to support my professional development is entirely my own initiative."
"I am one person running a statewide program. This means I have little time to follow up with schools, cajole them into coming or provide them with support to access programs. We really need a dedicated staff member."
"The Arts in general and consequently visual arts are squeezed increasingly by the strictures of the university and the pressures of literacy and numeracy to the exclusion of a broad general education."
"I feel the visual arts is not valued"
"I need to find support for Visual Arts by myself. My HoD of Senior got me in contact with the Vis Arts Panel Chair. She helps."
"Budgetary constraints and attitude to education limit support in my organisation"
"All PD etc is done in my own time and funded by myself."
"It's a disgrace"
"I regularly get invite to more financial affluent, or independent schools with more autonomy (and interest in this area), so it's not representative of the wider school community."
slightly too little
"It would be good if a greater focus was given for visual literacy and developing students ability to think and communicate through the visual arts."
"We have highly funded music program which overshadows most of what we do"
"support with major health and safety equipment is slow i.e. a suitable spray booth, heat pump and block out blinds, although promised."
"Our Professional Development is often not supported, and instead we undertake many art making PD's in our own time and at our own cost."
"Most of my professional development depends on my own efforts to access conferences etc in my down time. Time to engage with others in the Arts area very limited"
"would like a few more colleagues employed to work with me on reserch projects but classsizes and income would not support additional staff."
"There is support for teaching in higher education but little support to be involved in visual arts education beyond this"
"They will provide a relief teacher if there is a spare for any reason (shared with music and PE)"
somewhat too little
"Emphasis is on Conference participation rather than art PD's"
"Funding and resources are difficult to access within my organisation"
"I can seek professional learning, but the support is limited to that."
"I am lucky that my principal is happy to go along with any idea I have."
"Outside of timetabled teaching classes, other activities are not encouraged to the same degree as science or maths initiatives"
"I wish I could gain continuing pay increases for my teaching practice, as opposed to the present system where to promote myself I must increase the degree of admin, rtaher than my professional subjet teaching expertise...It is recognised outside of my school...but the school cannot increase my pay...i am at the top of my level and can only gain more money through a senior admin position."
"Money keeps being cut"