Browse Exhibits (9 total)

A. Support for Art Education

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Within the literature it is apparent that the types and levels of support provided for Art Education can vary or fluctuate. In this section we see the responses participants provided to the following questions:

  • How much support does your current school/organisation provide for visual art education?
  • How much support does your current school/organisation provide to you for visual art education?
  • How much support does your organisation provide for your professional growth as a Visual Art Educator?

B. Selection of elements and principles that best represents the current state of Visual Art Education in Australia

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Each education environment is different and providing some descriptors can really add to the study.    The questions being asked so far should have you thinking about Visual Art Education. Please make a choice from the selection of elements and principles below which YOU feel best represents the current state of Visual Art  Education in Australia.     You can choose up to three.

C. Quality Visual Art Education

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The notion of Quality Art Education is a contested space and there are a range of perspectives. In this section we see the response participants provided to the following questions

  • What do you consider to be quality visual art education?
  • How are your ideas of quality visual art education reflected in your practice?
  • When thinking about quality visual art education what social, political, or cultural factors, if any, do you consider are important to keep in mind?         
  • At the state & territory or national level what kinds of policies do you consult to inform your thinking, planning and practice of quality visual art education?
  • Who should deliver visual art education?
  • Do other areas of curriculum impact on quality visual art education in your school/organisation?


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STEAM is a movement championed by Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) in the USA and currently being promoted by government, corporations and individuals in Australia.     The objectives of the STEAM movement are to: transform research policy to place Art + Design at the centre of STEM;  encourage integration of Art + Design in K–20 education, and influence employers to hire artists and designers to drive innovation.  

In this section we see the response participants provided to the following question: 

  • Do you think following a STEAM approach will contribute to quality Visual Art Education in Australia?

E. Creativity

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Historically creativity has been linked with the 'Creative Arts': performing and visual.   More recently creativity is being promoted as a skill / disposition to be taught across curriculum areas.  In this section we see the response participants provided to the following question:

  • Do you consider visual art can promote or encourage creativity in ways that may not be possible in other curriculum areas?

F. Partnerships

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The notion of engaging in various types of partnerships to provide art education have been seen as crucial in recent years. In this section we see the response participants provided to the following questions:

  • In your position as a Visual Art educator are you involved in partnerships?
  • How many partnerships are you currently involved in?

G. Professional Learning

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Professional Development can be associated with systematic, linear short term functional learning experiences required for career progression, whereas Professional Learning is considered to be more focused on reflective practice, critical evaluation and continual learning.  In this section we see the response participants provided to the following question:

  • Describe a Professional learning/development experience you have participated in or been involved with over the past two years which has contributed to your capacity to provide quality arts education

H. Art Image to reflect the current state of Visual Art Education in Australia.

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Having worked through the survey and given many text based responses you now have an opportunity for an alternative form of response.    In the previous questions you have been considering the current state of Visual Art Education in Australia.    Please provide the title and artist (or URL to the image) of an identifiable visual work of art that you consider captures, or may express, the general sentiment of your responses.