In your position as a Visual Art educator are you involved in partnerships?
How many partnerships are you currently involved in?
If you are involved in partnerships around Visual Art Education, can you describe the type/s of partnerships or make comment on experienced or observed characteristics of these partnerships.
"resrach parternships wherein I access classrooms and teacher practice."
"These partnerships with major cultural institutions offer resources and facilities to school communities that would not be possible under other circumstances. they provide unique and invaluable authentic learning experiences to students that add immeasurable meaning and compliment the work being done in classrooms to build the foundations for this."
"I am an active member of the North Eastern arts network. This group of Visual and Performing teachers have banded together to offer support for each other as well as investigate the curric. and new ideas. teachers are busy, so this group is a lifesaver for bright ideas, soving problems and so on. I also subscribe to a few Arty places, like Heide. These articles keep my ideas flowing."
"Partnerships with schools, local government, community arts organisations and museums"
"As the curriculum manager for Visual Arts I promote partnerships between schools and industry across a range of disciplines including visual arts, media arts and design. This involves working with artists on programs in schools and galleries linking curriculum enactment to visual arts practice."
"I have someone who does my computer graphics, who I work with. I work with gallery managers and I usually employ an assistant."
"Local artists groups and art educators Network share ideas and we participate in the local arts Festivals; Local craft groups eg CWA Spinners Men's Shed come to help the children learn specific skills and enjoy extended opportunities"
"Art Reach with local schools and community"
"I have started up a visual arts network for art teachers in our zone, this is done in my own time. I would love to be involved in more partnerships but I have no support or time to investigate opportunities."
"with a number of teachers in schools, professional artists"
"was once involved with the local high school but this has fizzled out and no longer get communications"
"Meeting with other art teachers at other local schools to share teaching resources and strategies."
"I work with other artists and art studios. I go to workshops with practicing artist around the world to learn new skills and see how they teach their students and run their workshops. I also work/collaborate with secondary and primary school teachers on mosaic and pottery projects to assist in technical skill and materials issues."
"Working with local council on Art competitions and I have just started an Inner-west art teachers network."
"The Air Commission project"
"Another wonderful question but I'm running out of time and there is a lot I could comment on. In brief, all partnerships are positive and support quality visual arts education. The experiences are varied and I guess can be grouped according to focus - student's art education, educator art experience, community. Wondering if I've understood the term partnerships - thinking formal situations where I have worked with for visual arts education Main partnerships - WA department of Arts and Culture , Art Gallery of WA, Department of Education TDS, SCSA,"
"As mentioned above, with love As mentioned above, with local council to enhance the outreach of sustainability awareness."
"We have casually worked with NGV on trial programs and Melbourne Museum on a specific inquiry project."
"Our school has a partnership with the NGV and IGV located in Melbourne, Victoria. This allows Art students to view, ask questions and gain a further appreciation of art in a broader context outside the classroom."
"Corporate sponsors"
"Links with feeder primary school, local government and state Art Gallery"
"International and Australian Galleries and Universities, Private Art Groups"
"Partnerships between subject areas; within the Qld Art Teachers association and within Queensland Advocates for Arts Education (QAAE), which all assist to promote the importance of a Visual Art Education."
"Partnerships with galleries - to access their resources; partnerships with Department of Culture and The Arts for their funding and networking, partnerships with local government for their funding, access to artists, partnership to schools for research and implementation of arts projects are a few examples I can think of. Observed characteristics: We're in it to help each other"
"High level industry (design, ICT, infrastructure) and educational policy (state and national education departments)"
"With other universities and with non-for-profit arts organisations in Perth such as FORM."
"Share teaching levels therefore developing lesson plans together, working on art/ music displays as a group, making sets for musicals with drama teacher and design tech teacher, helping develop art programs to integrate into vcal and the year nine program, brainstorming ideas with colleagues for their classes."
"We currently have partnerships with a number of secondary schools across a range of socio-economic demographics, and the result of this partnership is shared expertise between the school and the museum specialists, and a increased exposure to modern and contemporary art practices that the students wouldn't necessarily have in a purely school setting. Coming to a gallery frequently encourages the students to walk around art works, to observe their unique characteristics, and to learn that it's perfectly reasonable to not always like a work, just like a novel or a piece of music, there are multiple reasons why we may not always engage with these objects."
"partnering with other arts and media organisations to allow us to deliver quality programs without having to bow to economic constraints"
"Partnership with local high schools mostly for resources such as kiln or printmaking equipment. I am involved in some visual art teacher groups which meet quarterly and once annually in Brisbane. These are run be High school VA teachers where there are only 2 primary VA teachers (both private schools)."
"Town of Narrogin, Local schools and art groups etc."
"Partnerships and collaborations are vital to health of Visual Arts Education in Australia because they make arts experiences more relevant and accessible to a wider audience. My experience includes partnerships between gallery/museum education and: - Contemporary practicing Visual Artists - Other cultural/educational institutions eg. the Canberra Theatre Centre, National Gallery of Australia, Australian National University"
"Galleries, State Visual Art educators organisation (Tasmanian Art Teachers' Association), Schools, Artists, Local Arts organisation,"
"With practicing artists who run workshops. With academics who deliver talks. With Galleries who offer tours or talks"
"Chair of a state professional education organisation for visual arts teaching and education. Involved in education/visual art inter faculty project partnerships"
"I am partnered with my association (TATA) all assoc's dependent on volunteer efforts. I am partnered with local art group, and requires time and shared understanding for needs of students and artists and the organisation...I am partnered with local museum and art gallery, to supply participants/feedback etc, I am partnered with my art school in the provision of advice and feedback and support. All volunteered. So much of it depends on extra time given by teachers, and contemp arts org's and ARIs."
"I am involved in VAESA as vice-president and I manage a primary art teacher network. Visual art teaching can be very lonely - especially for primary teachers. Networks are vital for teachers to connect, as questions, share best(or worst!) practices."
"First most start with person to person trust, then sharing, mutual assistance, then formalised. Organisational partnerships grow from these."
"I have been working with the Australian Catholic University in mentoring and lecturing students who are completing their Dip Ed or Masters degrees. This has been very interesting for me and allows students to develop an understanding of the breadth of what may be possible for them in their own practice."
"I belong to Arts Educators of the NT and we share ideas and resources regularly. I collect stuff from Vinnies which they save for me and we recycle things from there. We have a partnership with the parents fundraising committee where we make things to sell. There are others but I forget now"
"ArtsEdge - visual art and media educators network, allows me to have access to current policies ECU - STEAM project to be introduced in 2017"
"Art galleries"
"Work with local galleries who provide artist in schools programs, guest speakers, workshops and gallery visits. We have a local art teacher network that supports and provides some degree of professional development"
"With Panel chair and members to improve Senior Visual Arts outcomes, Gallery, local Visual artists, local community groups, other departments e.g. Home Ec. These partnerships improve student experiences and outcomes."
"artists - these connections require a framework to ensure that the process ahs educational value Festival organisations-provide students with a glimpse of real world applications and acknowledgement of the validity of process and what they are learning. Tertiary institutions workshops and mentoring to direct students towards future learning through the arts post secondary."
"I partner with community, schools and cultural organisations. These have been very valuable, although some local government partnerships want the arts research but do little to support the carrying out of data collection and advertsiing to particpants. This hampers the data collection to a point where sometimes no data is collected."
"Relationships with other schools are in place. Relationships are being formed between non profit arts organisation and tertiary level education institutions."
"I work in a large school with two campuses so I see my large faculty as a partnership. Having come from much smaller schools where I was the only Art teacher I value the partnership I have with my team where we share resources, assess work together and share our knowledge and skills. I have developed a partnership of sorts with the local community arts centre - they have had representatives speak at some of our school events and we participate in exhibitions and events at their centre. I have also started an Artist in Residence program, running as a trial for the first time this year. This should continue with one artist each year being involved with our school for 20 - 30 days. I see this as an important opportunity for both staff and students to be connected with a practicing artist and what they do."
"Organising visual exhibitions with other schools."
"parental, gallery/museum, professional association TATA. parental involvement is crucial to allowing parents to recognise and value what happened in the art room. Museums and galleries provide insights into the practise and history of art in a "live space""
"Have previously been involved in artist in residence partnerships.successfully."