Browse Items (191 total)

Article shows number of students in New Zealand who are unable to gain digital access to continue learning on first day of term.

The website shows students began trying to navigate distance learning all over the world through pictures from different parts of the world.

The authors, based in schools and Universities across the Philippines, conducted a two-week survey, distributed to Teachers, Edu Departments and Universities, receiving 2,300 responses to explore “teachers' awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic and…

Webinars designed to provide support and guidance as the Higher Education (HE) sector adapts to the new 'normal' during the current climate.

Connect is an independent bi-monthly publication supporting active student participation in primary and secondary schools. It is a 'practice journal' that has been published in Australia since late 1979. It is published on-line and is freely…

Louise talking about study.MP4
This introductory video of A/Prof Louise Phillips talks about the nature of the teaching and learning in COVID-19 times research in the pandemic.

An official government page that contains information to support our learners' education during this COVID-19 situation.

The writer talks to two school principals about how they’re addressing the inequities of access to technology and internet as they prepare for online teaching.

In this report we explore the experiences
of students with disability in relation to the
educational changes made necessary by
the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research evidence from before the pandemic
suggests that despite a number of…

What have you and your colleagues learned from the experience of remote teaching and learning during lockdown, and has that had an impact on how you do things now? The Knox School in Victoria has used its existing relationship with Monash University…
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