Browse Items (16 total)

A survey on how teachers feel about the sudden closure of schools, transition to online learning, and the difficulties of negotiating social-distancing and increased hygiene maintenance.

An article about a group of researchers who have come together to investigate the time of rapid innovation, novel partnerships, and enhanced questions of access during COVID-19 times.

Cultural institutions like the National Library, the National Gallery and the National Museum of Singapore have created virtual experiences that are accessible from home.

A account of what we can learn from teaching during the Covid-19

Page 25.PDF
Educators are reflecting on what they learned from the
challenges of 2020, and how we can do things differently.

A study of 635 teachers across all sectors, 105 respondents were in the higher education/ tertiary sector; 40 from Australia (all HE), 42 in the USA, with others from New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Singapore, Fiji and Europe. n 16 open-ended questions…
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