Tutufa ( fafulu; blow pipe) - Aldeia Pai Ira


Dublin Core


Tutufa ( fafulu; blow pipe) - Aldeia Pai Ira


Ema ida-ne'ebé halo no uza tutufa koalia konaba no hatudu oinsá mak uza tutufa.

Tutufa maker talks about and demonstrates using the tutufa.


Tutufa, ho lian Fataluku, mak fafulu ne'ebé halo husi au mihis no uza atu kasa animál, inklui manu-fuik, meda, laku, fahi ki'ik no niki. Iha rama-isin besi mihis ida, ho ulun triángulu, ne'ebé tau ba fafulu laran. Bainhira huu iis boot rama-isin semo sai no fafulu-na'in bele kona sasán ne'ebé dook to'o 5m ka 10m. Ema ida iha Aldeia Pai Ira, Sub-Distritu Lospalos hato'o katak presiza treinamentu espesiál atu bele dezenvolve kapasidade iis boot no abilidade atu uza alat ne'e. Baibain aman mak hanorin sira-nia oan mane atu uza tutufa.

Ema Fataluku mantén ligasaun forte ho sira-nia rai foho no rai tasi ibun. Rai sira-ne'e iha funsaun ekolojia no bio-diversidade ne'ebé ema Fataluku sira uza atu soru tais, halo kabas, halo serámika no halo artezanatu, no mos ba kasa animál no kail ikan iha ne'ebá. Instrumentu tradisionál ba kasa animál no kail ikan inklui diman, pipa hodi huu rama, rama-inan no rama, no lasu.

Tutufa in Fataluku (Fafulu in Tetum), are blow pipes made from varying lengths of slim bamboo used as hunting weapons for food, including bush fowl, birds, cuscus, civets, small pigs and bats. A thin metal arrow with a triangular shaped point, and a butt is wrapped in chicken feathers. Slim metal arrows are fitted at the mouth of the blow pipe. Blowing pressures the arrow to be released, and blow pipe users are able to hit targets at a distance of around 5m to 10 m. Tutufa in Aldeia Pai Ira, in Sub-Distritu Lospalos reported that special training is required to develop the lung capacity and skill to use the weapon. Fathers taught their sons to use tutufa.

The Fataluku people maintain a strong connection to their rugged forested mountain and coastal landscapes. These landscapes provide important ecological and biodiversity functions that are used by the Fataluku people to hunt and fish to meet livelihood needs. Hunting tools traditionally used by the Fataluku people include include spears, blow pipes and bow and arrows and traps.

Tutufa dalam Bahasa Fataluku (Fafulu dalam Bahasa Tetum), adalah pipa tiup yang terbuat dari bambu tipis dengan berbagai ukuran yang digunakan untuk berburu makanan, termasuk unggas semak, burung, kuskus, musang, babi kecil, dan kelelawar. Sebuah logam panah tipis dengan ujung berbentuk segitiga dan ujung lain yang dibungkus bulu ayam. Panah logam tipis dipasang pada mulut pipa tiup. Tiupan akan meluncurkan mata panah, pengguna pipa tiup dapat mencapai target pada jarak 5 m hingga 10 m. Tutufa di Desa Aldeia Pai Ira, Sub-Distritu Lospalos melaporkan bahwa pelatihan khusus dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan kapasitas paru-paru dan keterampilan untuk menggunakan senjata. Ayah mengajari anak-anak mereka untuk menggunakan tutufa.


Many Hands International


Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project


Recorded 29-30-2013


Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International




Aldeia Pai Ira, Suku Cacavei