Browse Items (191 total)

An article about a group of researchers who have come together to investigate the time of rapid innovation, novel partnerships, and enhanced questions of access during COVID-19 times.

Teaching and learning in COVID times: Recognising the multifaceted expressions of knowing

Educators worldwide were required to shift all teaching online earlier this year in response to global COVID-19 pandemic. While not necessarily…

A study of 635 teachers across all sectors, 105 respondents were in the higher education/ tertiary sector; 40 from Australia (all HE), 42 in the USA, with others from New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Singapore, Fiji and Europe. n 16 open-ended questions…

In this American Journal of Public Health Editorial, the authors build on a previous article to explore the impact of COVID on students with a disability in the context of Higher Education. They reference a survey conducted as part of a report…

Article relates how the private sector, including, Microsoft, GSMA, Weidong, Google and other partners such as World Bank, the World Food Programme and the International Telecommunication Union contribute resources and their expertise around…

This book in the COPE series helps children to understand how the virus is spread, how to stay safe, and how to stay smiling during the lockdown.

An article of how Singapore schools cope with Home-based Learning.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown restrictions, open and distance learning (ODL) has
become the preferred delivery model of instruction at most institutions of higher learning. The
ODL mode of instruction has become the most common alternative…

As countries moved to halt the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020 access to physical sites of learning was restricted, so teachers across diverse educational contexts were required to rapidly embrace different modes and combinations of delivery.…

This report was produced by a coalition of more than 70 UK charities, set up to campaign to improve disabled children’s services. They set up an online survey to assess the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown on families with disabled…
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