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The COVID-19 stage four restrictions in Victoria last year imposed a swift move to online learning. The first wave provided a short but sobering taste of the inherent challenges for teachers, students and families. In response, The Knox School, an…

The Knox School in Melbourne has been working with academics at Monash University to research teachers’ and leaders’ experiences of remote teaching and learning during lockdown, and how this has impacted their work going forward. The first of three…

What have you and your colleagues learned from the experience of remote teaching and learning during lockdown, and has that had an impact on how you do things now? The Knox School in Victoria has used its existing relationship with Monash University…

From March 2020 in Australia, the covid-19 pandemic resulted in regulations for social distancing, which meant that students were homeschooled. Social distancing exponentially increased the exposure of most young children to digital technology such…

As the one year anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring a pandemic arrives, it is increasingly apparent that not everyone is having a hard time: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon earned US$38 billion in profits in the second quarter…

One year after the coronavirus pandemic shuttered classrooms around the country and the world, U.S. parents are guardedly optimistic about the academic and social development of their children, an NPR/Ipsos poll finds.

But 62% of parents say their…

Key lessons from the lockdowns point to the critical role of schools in reaching and teaching all students, as well as supporting students’ access to the curriculum, engagement with their peers, and positive relationships with their teachers. Dr Kate…

This survey conducted by Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) provides vital information on respondents’ experiences when schools had mostly closed to students, and covered the period of transition back to face-to-face teaching…
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