Rata Lolo 'Acanaltou ho Teterentau' (istória 'Acanaltou ho Teterentau'; creation story 'Acanaltou ho Teterentau') - Paijahara

Miguel da Dosta in Paijahara.jpg

Dublin Core


Rata Lolo 'Acanaltou ho Teterentau' (istória 'Acanaltou ho Teterentau'; creation story 'Acanaltou ho Teterentau') - Paijahara


Miguel da Dosta no nia feen konta istória Acanaltou ho Teterentau

Miguel da Dosta and his wife tell the story of Acanaltou and Teterenta.


Ekipa peskiza dokumenta istória Acanaltou ho Teterentau iha aldeia rua, aldeia Paijahara iha sub-distritu Lautem no aldeia Malahara iha sub-distritu Lospalos. Istória ida-ne'e kona-ba feto na'in rua ne'ebé hola mane ida. Feen boot la bele isin rua. Feen ki'ik bele isin rua no nia hetan oan-kaduak. Feen boot sente laran moras. Bainhira feen ki'ik sei deskansa iha toba fatin tanba foin partu, feen boot foti nia oan-kaduak no troka ho bibi nia oan rua. Nia tau bibi oan rua ne'e toba iha feen ki'ik nia sorin no lori bebé kaduak ba ai-laran. Buat ne'e halo família ne'e triste boot.

Tuir versaun istória ne'ebé konta iha aldeia Paijahara, feen ne'e promete ba nia la'en katak nia sei fó labarik mane ho fitun iha nia ulun no fulan iha nia hirus-matan.

The story of Acanaltou and Teterentau was documented in two villages, in aldeia Paijahara, in sub-district Lautem, and aldeia Malahara, in sub-district Lospalos. The story is about two women, married to the same man. The first wife wasn't able to have children because she was infertile. The second wife was able to become pregnant and gave birth to twins. The first wife was jealous. When the young wife was still in bed, tired from giving birth, the older wife took the twin babies away and swapped them with twin kid goats, laying them beside the young wife. She took the twin babies away into the jungle. This made for great sorrow with the family in the story.

The story in aldeia Paijahara, the women promise to her husband that she will give him a boy with the star in his head and the moon in his chest.


Many Hands International


Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project


Recorded 18.04.2013


Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International




Aldeia Paijahara, sub-district Lautem.