Rata Lolo 'Rata tu Zenlai i Moco Hini' (istória ida kona-ba bebé husi ratu Zenlai ; creation story about a baby of the Zenlai tribe) - Aldeia Pitileti

Rosinda Martins

Dublin Core


Rata Lolo 'Rata tu Zenlai i Moco Hini' (istória ida kona-ba bebé husi ratu Zenlai ; creation story about a baby of the Zenlai tribe) - Aldeia Pitileti


Rosinda Martins konta rata lolo Rata tu Zenlai i Moco Hini.

Rosinda Martins tells the creation story about a baby of the Zenlai tribe.


Ai-knanoik ida kona-ba bebé ida-ne'ebé mate kedas bainhira nia moris mai. Sira hakoi bebé ho nuu-nurak, entaun tuir tradisaun, nia bele hemu bainhira sente hamrook. Tanba nia sei bebé ki'ik loos, nia labele hemu entaun nia tanis iha Makua ka Lovaji Ward (lingua ne'ebé la iha tiha ona) atu mate klamar seluk bele ajuda nia. Mate klamar bei-ala sira fó nia susu hodi nia la bele tanis ona.

'Rata tu Zenlai i Moco Hini' is fable about a baby that died the day he was born. The baby was buried with a young coconut, so that according to tradition, he can drink when he feels thirsty. As he was so young, he could not drink so be cried in Makua or Lovaji Ward (languages that no long exist) so that other ghosts would help him. His ancestor ghost gave him milk, to stop him crying.


Many Hands International


Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project


Recorded 27-02-2013


Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International.




Aldeia Pitileti, Sub-district Tutuala