Rata Lolo 'Iharala Mocoru' ( konta istória 'oan-kiak'; creation story 'orphan's story') - Aldeia Loho Matu

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Dublin Core


Rata Lolo 'Iharala Mocoru' ( konta istória 'oan-kiak'; creation story 'orphan's story') - Aldeia Loho Matu


Vincente da Goma konta rata lolo konaba Ilarala Mocoru.

Vincente da Goma tells the story of Ilarala Mocoru.


Vincente da Goma iha Aldeia Loho Matu, Sub-Distritu Lautem konta rata lolo ida kona-ba labarik oan-kiak, alin mane ida naran Puiletemaa no nia biin, Levepuimaa. Sira moris ho terus no susar, sira bele tahan tanba han ai-dila tahan bainhira sente hamlaha. Loron-loron sira te'in ai-dila tahan no fore (fofon). Bainhira alin mane hakarak han de'it fofon, nia biin bandu. Loron ida, bainhira nia biin sai hela, alin mane ne'e han fofon. Abiin hatene tuir tiha, nia baku maka'as alin mane ne'e. Alin mane halai sai hodi buka tuir nia inan-aman nia mate klamar, no depois de buka tempu naruk, nia hetan duni sira.

Vincente da Goma in aldeia Loho Matu, Lautem sub-district tells a rata lolo about young orphan children, a brother named Puiletemaa and sister, Levepuimaa. Their life was one of suffering and trouble, they survived eating papaya leaf when they were hungry. Each day they cooked papaya leaf and pieces of bean (fofon). When her young brother wanted to eat only fofon his sister forbade him. One day when his sister went out the brother ate fofon. When the sister found out she hit her brother badly. The young boy ran away to find his parent's ghost, which after a long journey, he found.


Many Hands International


Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project


Recorded 12.02.2013


Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International




Aldeia Loho Matu, Suco Com, Sub-district Lautem