Rata Lolo Serelau Ira-ina I Rata (istória kona-ba bee-matan Serelau; creation story of Serelau spring) - Aldeia Serelau


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Rata Lolo Serelau Ira-ina I Rata (istória kona-ba bee-matan Serelau; creation story of Serelau spring) - Aldeia Serelau


Santos Viegas konta istória kona-ba bee-matan Serelau.

Santos Viegas tells the story of Serelau spring



Istória ida-ne'e deskreve bee-matan ida ho naran Tei Ratu Pana Ratu iha Aldeia Serelau iha Sub-Distritu Lautem. Santos Viegas konta istória ne'e tanba nia mak tau matan ba bee-matan ida-nia. Nia konta katak iha tempu uluk liu ba, iha ema barak hela iha Serelau ne'ebé la iha asesu ba bee moos no loron-loron sira tenke lao dook hodi ba kuru bee. Iha uma ida, inan-aman ba servisu halo toos no husik hela sira-nia oan feto mesak iha uma. Sira-nia asu lao sai, no bainhira asu ne'e fila mai uma nia isin bokon loos. Labarik feto nota katak nia asu bokon no koko buka hatene tanbasá nia asu ne'e bele nune'e. Nia buka hetan katak asu ne'e lao sai ba bee-matan foun ida no nia sai bokon tanba halimar iha bee laran. Bainhira labarik feto to'o iha bee-matan, bee-matan nia na'in ko'alia ho nia, dehan "se o hakarak fatin ne'e seguru, la hetan susar, no se o hakarak o-nia família mai foti bee ne'e hodi hemu, rega natar, no fó animál sira, entaun o tenke sai ha'u-nia feen'. Labarik feto fila ba nia inan-aman no konta saida mak bee-matan na'in dehan. Nia inan-aman presiza loos bee-matan, entaun sira simu no sira fó sira-nia oan feto nudár sakrifisiu ba bee-matan. Povu halo dansa tradisionál no toka múzika tradisionál, to'o ikus labarik feto lakon kedas tanba bee-matan nia forsa lulik mak lori nia ba. To'o agora povu sira sei halo dansa ne'e iha Serelau, dansa ho naran Bidu no múzika ho naran Tebedai.

This story describes the origins of a spring named Tei Ratu Pana Ratu in aldeia Serelau in the Lautem sub-district. This story is told by Santos Viegas, the traditional owner of the spring. The story he tells is that a long time ago there were many people in Serelau who couldn't access clean water and each day had to travel long distances to find water. The father and mother of the house were away in the fields, farming, leaving their girl was in the house. Their dog went off, and came back to the house wet. The girl noticed this and went to find how the dog had become wet. She found that the dog had found a new spring and had played in it. When she found the spring the spirit owner spoke to her, saying: 'if you want this place to be safe from difficulties, and if you want your people to have water for drinking, for watering animals and for rice fields, then you must become my wife'. The girl returned to her parents to discuss this. The parents, desparate for a water source, accepted the rules of the spring and sacrificed their daughter as an offering to the spring. A traditional line dance accompanied by instrumental music was performed, until this girl was swept sway by the power of the magic spring. This dance is called Bidu, with hand drum accompaniment, Tebedai, is now performed in Serelau.


Many Hands International


Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project


Recorded 16.11.2012


Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International




Aldeia Serelau, Sub-district Lautem.