Rata Lolo 'Tupur Un I Tu Lesu Me Vale' (istoria 'feto ne'ebe hahoris lensu'; creation story 'woman who gave birth to a handkerchief') - Aldeia Pitileti

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Rata Lolo 'Tupur Un I Tu Lesu Me Vale' (istoria 'feto ne'ebe hahoris lensu'; creation story 'woman who gave birth to a handkerchief') - Aldeia Pitileti


Gracinda dos Anjos da Assuncāo konta rata lolo 'Tupur Un I Tu Lesu Me Valeabout'.

Gracinda dos Anjos da Assuncāo tells the story of the woman who gave birth to a handkerchief.


Gracinda dos Anjos da Assuncāo iha aldeia Pitileti, sub-distritu Tutuala konta istória ida naran Tupur Un I Tu Lesu Me Valeabout, kona-ba feto ida-ne'ebé isin rua no bainhira partu lensu ida mak moris fali. Lensu ne'e tau ba luhu ida naran 'Poko' ne'ebé halo husi ai-tali tahan. Fulan ba fulan lensu sai boot no inan halo poko foun. Loron-loron bainhira inan-aman ba toos lensu sai husi nia poko no transforma ba feto joven ida bonita loos ne'ebé te'in etu, modo no fehuk ba nia inan-aman no hamoos sira-nia uma. Loron-loron bainhira inan-aman fila-fali mai sira-nia uma, sira hetan uma moos no hahán prontu iha meza, maibé sira la hatene sé mak tau matan ba sira. Loron ida nia inan sai ba toos maibé nia aman hela iha uma, subar iha toba-fatin okos. Labarik feto tun husi nia luhu (poko) no komesa te'in, no nia aman hakfodak loos. Bainhira nia te'in hotu tiha nia hakarak fila ba nia luhu, maibé inan-aman sira hakarak nia nafatin hatudu nia an nudár ema umanu no hela ho sira, no nia aseita. Ikus liu sira buka hetan mane ida no sira-nia oan feto kaben no sai inan ida.

'Tupur Un I Tu Lesu Me Vale' is a creation story about a woman that was pregnant and gave birth to a handkerchief. The handkerchief was put into a traditional flat basket called 'Poko' made of palm leaf. As the handkerchief grew up month by month the mother made a new basket to fit. Each day when the parents were in the field the handkerchief came out of the basket and transformed into a beautiful young woman and cooked rice, vegetables and yam for her parents, and cleaned the house for them. Each day the parents returned home to find their house clean and food ready for them on the table, but they didn't know who was looking after them. One day her mother left for the field but her father stayed behind, hiding under his sleeping mat. The girl climbed down from the basket and began cooking, to her father's surprise. Once she was finished cooking she wanted to go back to the box, but the parents wanted them to show herself and stay with them as a human, and she accepted. They found her a suitor and she was married and had children of her own.


Many Hands International


Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project


Recorded 27-02-2013


Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International




Aldeia Pitileti, Sub-district Tutuala