Dublin Core
Ete Asa Fa'i (ai-moruk tradisionál; traditional medicine) - Aldeia Codo
Americo Marques Cabral koalia konaba no halo ete asa fa’i.
Americo Marques Cabral talks about and makes ete asa fa’i.
Americo Marques Cabral talks about and makes ete asa fa’i.
Ete asa fa’i, ka ai-moruk tradisionál, mak halo husi produtu animál nian ka materiál husi ai-laran, inklui samea no ikan nia mina, du'ut-morin, tasi-been no nuu-been. Ai-moruk aplika ba isin bainhira iha kanek ka isin moras, ka bele mós hemu bainhira moras virus ruma ka moras seluk tan. Tuir tradisaun, kuandu hakarak uza materiál ruma iha ai-moruk tradisionál, tenke husu lisensa uluk husi materiál nia na'in hodi nune'e ai-moruk ne'e efetivu.
Ete asa fa’i, or traditional medicine, is made from animal and forest products, including snake and fish oil, herbs, sea water and coconut water. Medicine is applied externally to wounds or aching muscles, or is drunk to treat viruses or other diseases. According to tradition, any materials used in traditional medicine must first be asked permission to be used by the maker in order to be effective in treatment.
Ete asa fa’i, ka ai-moruk tradisionál, mak halo husi produtu animál nian ka materiál husi ai-laran, inklui samea no ikan nia mina, du'ut-morin, tasi-been no nuu-been. Ai-moruk aplika ba isin bainhira iha kanek ka isin moras, ka bele mós hemu bainhira moras virus ruma ka moras seluk tan. Tuir tradisaun, kuandu hakarak uza materiál ruma iha ai-moruk tradisionál, tenke husu lisensa uluk husi materiál nia na'in hodi nune'e ai-moruk ne'e efetivu.
Ete asa fa’i, or traditional medicine, is made from animal and forest products, including snake and fish oil, herbs, sea water and coconut water. Medicine is applied externally to wounds or aching muscles, or is drunk to treat viruses or other diseases. According to tradition, any materials used in traditional medicine must first be asked permission to be used by the maker in order to be effective in treatment.
Many Hands International
Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project
Recorded 28.11.2012
Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International
Aldeia Codo, Suco Maina II