Istória orál Fataluku nian maioria mak dadolin kanta ne'ebé ema koñese ho naran vaihoho. Vaihoho uza metáfora atu konta kona-ba akontesimentu istóriku. Uluk vaihoho sira barak liu haree ba tema domin no sentimentu terus tanba domin, maibé…
Much of Fataluku oral literature is held and told through the vast body of sung poetry known as vaihoho. Vaihoho engage metaphor to tell historical events. Vaihoho were once predominantly themed around the melancholia of love, but are now…
Common love songs, Icatutun vaihoho, are sung by couples when they work in the fields. Singers described having learnt about this song - which has various different interpretations each with its own note and rhythm - from their parents.…