Dublin Core
Icatutun Vaihoho (love song) - Aldeia Malahara
Community members from aldeia (hamlet) Malahara sing a common love song, icatutun vaihoho.
Common love songs, Icatutun vaihoho, are sung by couples when they work in the fields. Singers described having learnt about this song - which has various different interpretations each with its own note and rhythm - from their parents. Icatutun vaihoho are sung about a person one is in love with, or about being gossiped behind one's back. A woman vaihoho singer said that love songs can be sung to ask a lover to wait while they can prepare to be married and can ‘journey though life together’. The singer said also that before there were telephones, they had to arrange to meet using song. Lovers created the song words so that others wouldn't understand. The songs helped them to arrange to meet, or to express their feelings for one another without others knowing.
Common love songs, Icatutun vaihoho, are sung by couples when they work in the fields. Singers described having learnt about this song - which has various different interpretations each with its own note and rhythm - from their parents. Icatutun vaihoho are sung about a person one is in love with, or about being gossiped behind one's back. A woman vaihoho singer said that love songs can be sung to ask a lover to wait while they can prepare to be married and can ‘journey though life together’. The singer said also that before there were telephones, they had to arrange to meet using song. Lovers created the song words so that others wouldn't understand. The songs helped them to arrange to meet, or to express their feelings for one another without others knowing.
Recorded 16.11.2012
Aldeia Malahara, Suku Muapitine, Lautem