Browse Items (37 total)

Social Memes


Social Memes, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020

The news of the virus Covid-19 is inescapable in everyone’s mind. This is a screenshot of my phone screen. Every day the major news are about the…

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Still left out?


Still left out?, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020

I took this picture near Flinders street station which is always busy and swarming with people. Even in the midst of the pandemic situation while…

Stuck with computer.


Stuck with computer., University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020

The current pandemic situation of COVID-19 has compelled the university to close and the students to attend classes online from home. This picture…



Technology, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020

Technology at hand to keep the disconnected connected. Though the need for 'social distancing' may separate us through this COVID-19 pandemic,…

What have we become?


What have we become?, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020

What have we become? Living in a country (Australia) renowned for being affluent and resource rich, we now find ourselves experiencing man-made food…

Work from home set up.


Work from home set up., University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020

Whilst I have had this desk for a number of years, I had rearranged some furniture prior to the semester starting so I can make a little study nook in…

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Zoom, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020

This is an image of myself on Zoom, which is an online conferencing tool that many universities and workplaces are using at the moment, while COVID-19…

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