Browse Items (191 total)

The authors are from the Robert Hollman Foundation (“Consultation and Support for the Development of Visually Impaired Children”) and the University of Padova, Italy. This paper evaluates the Distance Support Program initiated following the lockdown…

A webinar that offers guidelines developed from recent Australian research can offer some direction on how to transit from face to face to online learning

A site documenting and highlighting the best practices, strategies, and efforts by teacher educators, researchers and practitioners across the globe as they respond rapidly to offer remote learning and teaching.

Article explains different ways to promote student engagement when transiting from face to face to online learning.

One year after the coronavirus pandemic shuttered classrooms around the country and the world, U.S. parents are guardedly optimistic about the academic and social development of their children, an NPR/Ipsos poll finds.

But 62% of parents say their…

A write up on experiences teachers and students face in school during the pandemic.

An article showing how parents and teachers are coping with home based learning in Australia.

Education officers voice concern over digital learning during the lockdown in New Zealand.

The articles write about how New Zealand families are coping with online learning at home with their children.

The COVID-19 pandemic is significantly impacting families, both in terms of their physical and mental well-being, as well as their financial
stability. According to recent data from the American Psychological Association, parents are experiencing…
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