Browse Items (191 total)

The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom.
As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken…

This charming, informative series covers natural hazards and provides coping tools, preparedness and relatable stories in an imaginative and easy to understand way for children.

The second annual Global Learner Survey by an international ‘learning company’ who develop and deliver online learning services. The authors are part of the company’s Global Research and Insights Team. Surveyed “7,038 people aged between 16–70 years…

Short article on the Australian/Indonesian collaborative website AIDRAN highlighting challenges for accessing information about COVID, adhering to social distancing etc. when dependent on touch, support guides, and university learning for those who…

The authors are academics at faculties of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy at the Universities of Utrecht and Prishtina. Through semi-structured interviews with experts of disabilities and children’s rights and educational support staff…

Looking for stories to share with your kids? Or simple activities for them to carry out at home? Dr Louise Gwenneth Phillips SFHEA, Associate Professor in Education at #JCUSingapore​, pulls out her MAGIC BLANKET from her storytelling box to share…

Thi s course explores four myths: that learning design is about technology and content; that innovation and accessibility are incompatible; that researching online learning is an ethics-free zone, and that educators’ online identities are irrelevant.

Reflection inspired by Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’

Article on NFP website ‘The Conversation’. Includes reference to an RNIB report that notes that “two-thirds of visually impaired individuals feel they have become less independent since the start of lockdown”. The author provides some solutions to…

An article showing how parents and teachers are coping with home based learning in Australia.
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