Browse Items (38 total)

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused both unprecendented disruptions and massive changes to education. However, as schools return, these changes may disappear. Moreover, not all of the changes are necessarily the changes we want in education. In this…

COPE is a series of books designed to increase the disaster resilience of children.

A comprehensive handbook/reference for government and educational institute regarding education during Covid-19

UNICEF Parenting website brings together some of the world’s leading baby experts to support parents with top tips, interesting insights and fun facts.

Website with advice and updates on the Covid-19 situation in Australia regarding education.

Webinars and podcasts across a variety of subject areas in relation to the mass online migration in response to COVID-19.

A compilation of information sheets to support educators and industry leaders during Covid-19.

A interview of number of school teachers on how they keep their children engaged during the lockdown.

The Covid-19 crisis has given rise to existential questions around the university during and after Covid-19. How might we re-imagine the future of HE and the post-coronial university? This article reflects on utopian and dystopian imaginaries which…
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