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Thi s course explores four myths: that learning design is about technology and content; that innovation and accessibility are incompatible; that researching online learning is an ethics-free zone, and that educators’ online identities are irrelevant.

Learn how to promote effective practice and pedagogy in blended learning on this vocational education training course.

This site was developed to assist providers who have had to rapidly transition into the online learning space due to COVID-19.

A compilation of information sheets to support educators and industry leaders during Covid-19.

Webinars and podcasts across a variety of subject areas in relation to the mass online migration in response to COVID-19.

The COVID-19 stage four restrictions in Victoria last year imposed a swift move to online learning. The first wave provided a short but sobering taste of the inherent challenges for teachers, students and families. In response, The Knox School, an…

The Knox School in Melbourne has been working with academics at Monash University to research teachers’ and leaders’ experiences of remote teaching and learning during lockdown, and how this has impacted their work going forward. The first of three…

What have you and your colleagues learned from the experience of remote teaching and learning during lockdown, and has that had an impact on how you do things now? The Knox School in Victoria has used its existing relationship with Monash University…

As countries moved to halt the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020 access to physical sites of learning was restricted, so teachers across diverse educational contexts were required to rapidly embrace different modes and combinations of delivery.…
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