Browse Items (28 total)

The webinar explores the challenges presented and look at best practice solutions for teaching students from diverse backgrounds in digital spaces. There is discussion on design-based approaches, grounded in Enabling Pedagogies (Stokes 2014) and…

A compilation of webinar from lecturers of different universities in Australia to discuss topics on remote learning, teaching and learning at Higher Education.

A webinar sharing practical advice, ‘how to’s’, and ideas for practice in online learning for providers transitioning to online learning.

Interviews of some of the best teachers at UQ to discuss ‘what works’ in their classrooms in a jargon-free, non-technical manner.

An education blog for educator, IT professional, school leaders, students and press on digital learning.

This site was developed to assist providers who have had to rapidly transition into the online learning space due to COVID-19.

A compilation of information sheets to support educators and industry leaders during Covid-19.

Webinars and podcasts across a variety of subject areas in relation to the mass online migration in response to COVID-19.

The Joint Statement outlines consensus-based principles for the higher education sector adapting during the COVID-19 pandemic

Website with advice and updates on the Covid-19 situation in Australia regarding education.
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