Browse Items (33 total)

Addressing the many social, political fault lines during the Covid-19 pandemic

Webinars designed to provide support and guidance as the Higher Education (HE) sector adapts to the new 'normal' during the current climate.

A series of online workshops for an international audience of highly engaged senior educational leaders from across the higher education sector. The workshops were for participants to engage with key facets of the central SDCE question.

This video essay reengages the experience of leading a dance improvisation practice on Zoom during the Coronavirus lockdown.

A resource page for event planners and owners on keeping audience's attention, pricing and marketing of virtual event.

The author writes about the challenges of the massive move to online teaching and how it affects the education and political ecosystem.

The website shows students began trying to navigate distance learning all over the world through pictures from different parts of the world.

An article written by Centre for the Developing Child- Harvard University on how to support healthy child development. A 3-step guide for caregivers.

A free online training resources for anyone tackling an unexpected or abrupt transition to digital course delivery.

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought learning to a screeching halt worldwide, creating the most severe global education disruption in history. Students, teachers and parents from the UNESCO Associated Schools Network shared their inspiring…
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