Coro fa'i (diman, spear) - Aldeia Paiira


Dublin Core


Coro fa'i (diman, spear) - Aldeia Paiira


Orlando Baptista koalia konaba no kaer coro au ida iha aldeia Paiira, sub-distritu Lospalos.

Orlando Baptista talks about and shows coro in aldeia Paiira, sub-district Lospalos.


Coro mak diman ne'ebé halo husi au ka ai ho naruk entre 1.5m to'o 2m. Baibain ema uza coro atu kasa animál fuik hanesan rusa, fahi, lekirauk no manu-fuik. Coro ne'ebé halo husi au mak instrumentu simples; ema foti au naruk no mihis no iha nia rohan ida uza tudik atu halo kro'at. Hafoin au ne'e enxe ho rai-henek hodi halo todan entaun fasil liu atu soe no nia tama di'ak liu ba animál nia isin.

Coro ne'ebé halo husi ai susar liu atu halo. Coro hanesan ne'e mak halo ho ai naruk ida ho besi kro'at iha ulun. Besi ulun monta ba ai naruk, no besi ulun iha bentuk hanesan ai-tahan ho pontu kro'at loos iha leten. Orlando Baptista, badain diman ida husi aldeia Paiira, sub-distritu Lospalos, hato'o katak ema barak prefere liu uza coro besi kompara ho coro au.

Ema Fataluku mantén ligasaun forte ho sira-nia rai foho no rai tasi ibun. Rai sira-ne'e iha funsaun ekolojia no bio-diversidade ne'ebé ema Fataluku sira uza atu soru tais, halo kabas, halo serámika no halo artezanatu, no mos ba kasa animál no kail ikan iha ne'ebá. Instrumentu tradisionál ba kasa animál no kail ikan inklui diman, pipa hodi huu rama, rama-inan no rama, no lasu.

Coro are spears made from a length of around 1.5 to 2 m of bamboo or wood and are used primarily as projectile weapons for hunting wild deer, pig, monkeys and birds. Coro made from bamboo are simple tools; slim lengths of hollow bamboo are sharpened at one end into a point. The bamboo is then filled with sand to make it heavier, making it more effective to throw and impact effectively.

Coro from wood are more involved, with a shaft of wood ending in a steel or metal head. The metal spearhead attaches to the top of the spear with a hooded cover. The metal point is shaped in a leaf or lozenge shape; at the point where it attaches to the bamboo it is narrow, then expands into a flattened knife and ends in a narrow point. Orlando Baptista, a spear maker from aldeia Paiira, sub-district Lospalos, reported that people prefer to use iron instead of bamboo spears.

The Fataluku people maintain a strong connection to their rugged forested mountain and coastal landscapes. These landscapes provide important ecological and biodiversity functions that are used by the Fataluku people to hunt and fish to meet livelihood needs. Hunting tools traditionally used by the Fataluku people include include spears, blow pipes and bow and arrows and traps.

Coro adalah tombak yang terbuat dari bambu atau dengan panjang sekitar 1,5 m sampai 2 m, terutama digunakan terutama sebagai senjata proyektil untuk berburu rusa, babi, monyet dan burung. Coro terbuat dari bambu adalah alat sederhana; panjang ramping dari bambu berongga diasah di salah satu ujung hingga runcing. bambu tersebut kemudian diisi dengan pasir untuk membuatnya lebih berat, sehingga lebih efektif saat dilempar dan berdampak efektif.

Coro yang terbuat dari kayu lebih rumit, dengan poros kayu dan kepala baja atau logam pada ujungnya. Ujung tombak logam menempel ke puncak tombak dengan penutup berkerudung. Titik logam berbentuk daun atau belah ketupat; bagian yang menempel pada bambu lebih sempit, kemudian meluas ke pisau pipih dan berakhir di titik yang sempit. Orlando Baptista, pembuat tombak dari Desa Paiira, sub-distrik Lospalos, melaporkan bahwa orang lebih suka menggunakan besi dari pada bambu runcing.


Many Hands International


Preservation of Endangered Forms of Intangible Fataluku Cultural Expression Project


Recorded 30.04.13


Video, photo and text rights: Many Hands International




Aldeia Paiira, Suco Cacavei