Felix Werder, Ian Bonighton, Keith Humble and Ron Nagorcka with the newly released LP Reverberations, c. 1973. The LP included 'Cathedral Music 1' by Ian Bonighton, 'Toccata' by Felix Werder, 'Theme and Variations' by Ron Nagorcka, and 'Paraphrase…
An important part of the programme for the State of the Art of Electronic Music in Australia seminar was the international tape sampling, which occurred in the Grainger Museum each day of the conference, from 10am to…
Jean-Charles Francois, supervisor of tape-sampling programmes, and Ian Bonighton, composer and supervisor of equipment at the electronic music seminar, for the seminar 'The State of the Art of Electronic Music in Australia', Grainger Museum and…
In 1966 Humble established the Society for the Private Performance of New Music (SPPNM) at the Grainger Museum. SPPNM members, mostly young composers such as Ian Bonighton, met monthly at the Grainger, for ‘performance workshops’ directed by Humble.…
35mm slide, Grainger Museum Archive, 99.600.1 In 1976, ABC Television made a documentary about Grainger’s Free Music experiments, interviewing Burnett Cross, who was visiting the Grainger Museum in order to restore Percy Grainger’s Kangaroo Pouch…
Manuscript score, Rare Music, Special Collections, University of Melbourne
Divertimento is an example of British composer Tristram Cary’s combination of electronic compositional techniques, including recorded sound, electronic sounds, and…
This photo shows Tristram Cary adjusting a knob on an EMS Synthi AKS portable synthesizer in the window of his studio. In the background is his Bechstein piano. This photograph was taken while Cary was composing the music for …