Percy Grainger stated that the Grainger Museum was intended to ‘preserve and display exhibits collected by me during the last 40 years’ including material about his personal and professional life, as well as the ‘many different aspects’ of other…
English-born George W.L. Marshall-Hall (1862–1915) was a composer, musician and conductor. He established the Conservatorium of Music at the University of Melbourne in 1895, and became the first Ormond Professor of Music. In 1892 Marshall-Hall…
The towel clothes in the Grainger Museum are one of the highlights of the Costume Collection. Numbering 26 individual pieces or outfit, the towel clothes represent the Graingers’ innovative ideas and creativity in dress. Percy Grainger wrote about…
1. Eiraku Wazen, Japan, Nine tea cups, late 19th century-early 20th century. Purchased by Rose Grainger on 4 November 1920 from Wahman & Co., New York. 01.0184
2. Unknown maker, South Africa, Seed pod. Seed pod with repeated design of fine copper…
1. Ella and Percy Grainger, Jacket, c.1934. Hand sewn from manufactured towels 04.5367
Ella and Percy Grainger, Shorts, c. 1934. Hand sewn from manufactured towels and bathmats. 04.5380
Percy Grainger, Leggings created from plain linen squares of…
he top of the shorts are made of a woven material and the fringing (which starts mid thigh) is layered in a striped pattern on the right and checked pattern on the left leg. No fastening at the waist.
Display mannequin, created from tape, calico, cardboard, cotton, gauze, Plaster of Paris, straw, thread. Size: 170 x 60. Letter from Grainger Museum Archive.
This mannequin was made by Kathleen and William Rogers, at Arch Hill Studio, Albany Post…