Collection display featuring the Marshall-Hall Collection

Greig desk layout.JPG

Dublin Core


Collection display featuring the Marshall-Hall Collection


English-born George W.L. Marshall-Hall (1862–1915) was a composer, musician and conductor. He established the Conservatorium of Music at the University of Melbourne in 1895, and became the first Ormond Professor of Music. In 1892 Marshall-Hall founded the Marshall-Hall Orchestra, which was to have 111 concerts before foundering due to financial problems and Union action in 1912. He was a bohemian, and maintained close friendships with artists Tom Roberts, Arthur Streeton and others of the Heidelberg School.

Percy Grainger met Marshall-Hall on a number of occasions. Grainger described Marshall-Hall as ‘a real good sort, & lots of fun’, and appreciated his ‘many practical tips’ for Grainger’s career development. Grainger deliberately sought out the portrait of Marshall-Hall by Tom Roberts for acquisition for the Museum, as part of a larger collection of Marshall-Hall material which he acquired in 1938 and 1939 from Marshall-Hall’s family. The Marshall-Hall Collection in the Grainger Museum is extensive, numbering in excess of 50 archive boxes of material. It includes musical manuscripts, and a supporting collection of letters and memorabilia.