Browse Items (191 total)

This brief aims to capture some key issues and propose early steps that governments can take to mitigate negative consequences for children, especially the most vulnerable. The short-term policy focus has to be on reducing risks of physical and…

As the COVID-19 virus has spread worldwide, much attention has
been paid to its impact on the health and wellbeing of adults,
with less attention to how the virus has impacted on young
children. This article draws on documentation and…

From March 2020 in Australia, the covid-19 pandemic resulted in regulations for social distancing, which meant that students were homeschooled. Social distancing exponentially increased the exposure of most young children to digital technology such…

The New Zealand national COVID-19 lockdown during school Term 1 2020 provided a unique context to investigate children’s experiences of informal, everyday learning in their household bubble. In Terms 3 and 4, 178 children in Years 4–8 from 10 primary…

This Position Paper’s authors work in Universities, Disability Resource Centres and clinical settings across the USA. It notes the disproportionate impact on children with a disability and other factors (“The phrase, “we are all in this together,”…

A presentation made to CAUDIT members through their Webinar series on online proctoring on 6 April 2020 from Council of Australasian University Directors of IT and Australasian Council on Open, Distance and eLearning.

KAREN HOPE shares what she has learnt about being ‘creative’ during the pandemic and engaging with children over Zoom, as well as the resources she has found useful—specifically from Nick Cave and the Reggio Emilia Educational Project.

Learn how to promote effective practice and pedagogy in blended learning on this vocational education training course.

Explore how new technology can assist learning from experience, how it helps overcome challenges in the sector with the optimal uses of blended learning.

A survey of teachers in Australia working harder and longer during remote learning and a write up about important lessons for the future of education.
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