Browse Items (191 total)

The authors are academics at faculties of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Philosophy at the Universities of Utrecht and Prishtina. Through semi-structured interviews with experts of disabilities and children’s rights and educational support staff…

The authors, academics at Colorado University, looks at how technology can support development of the functional living/behavioural skills (as set out in the Expanded Core Curriculum) as well as the academic skills, to support TVIs. The researchers…

This brief was produced in May 2020 by a “nonpartisan, nonprofit research, development, and service agency that partners with education and other communities throughout the United States and abroad to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve…

The authors – both at the Law Faculty of the University of Newcastle, Australia explore the complexity of balancing key human rights to health, the right to receive education and the right to work in a safe environment (for students, teachers and…

This report was produced by a coalition of more than 70 UK charities, set up to campaign to improve disabled children’s services. They set up an online survey to assess the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown on families with disabled…

Based on the results of a national survey looking at challenges of moving education online during lockdown, teachers’ views on the impact on educational/social/emotional wellbeing and progress; and remote learning for students and teachers. This…

This report starts with a series of recommendations to government to ensure students disadvantaged by remote learning are able to catch up. It outlines Australia’s educational situation during COVID, and references reports that highlight teachers’…

This advocacy brief (dated April 2021) is produced by a charity that supports disabled people and an initiative of the United Nation. It sets out Sustainable Development Goals 4 (ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long…

This paper (provided by one of the interviewees from this study) outlines the genesis of the South Pacific Educators of Vision Impairment (SPEVI)’s Community of Practice, from Mike McLinden’s call at the SPEVI conference in 2020 and the additional…

In the development of WHO-UNICEF Global Report on Assistive Technology (GReAT), WHO launched an initiative in early 2020 to support the Member States in measuring access to assistive technology (AT) through national representative household surveys.…
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