Browse Items (24 total)

An official government page that contains information to support our learners' education during this COVID-19 situation.

Explore how new technology can assist learning from experience, how it helps overcome challenges in the sector with the optimal uses of blended learning.

Addressing the many social, political fault lines during the Covid-19 pandemic

The article describes how teachers in New Zealand establish rapport with their students as distance learning begin.

An education blog for educator, IT professional, school leaders, students and press on digital learning.

The author writes about the challenges of the massive move to online teaching and how it affects the education and political ecosystem.

Interviews of some of the best teachers at UQ to discuss ‘what works’ in their classrooms in a jargon-free, non-technical manner.

Instructions on how to draw and collage your own chameleon.

Resource site for parents to help maintain teaching and learning in the event of a prolonged school closure or student absence
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