Browse Items (38 total)

The Covid-19 crisis has given rise to existential questions around the university during and after Covid-19. How might we re-imagine the future of HE and the post-coronial university? This article reflects on utopian and dystopian imaginaries which…

From March 2020 in Australia, the covid-19 pandemic resulted in regulations for social distancing, which meant that students were homeschooled. Social distancing exponentially increased the exposure of most young children to digital technology such…

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused both unprecendented disruptions and massive changes to education. However, as schools return, these changes may disappear. Moreover, not all of the changes are necessarily the changes we want in education. In this…

COVID-19 catalysed significant changes across education sectors. In March 2020, we (a group of nine education researchers across four nations) initiated the Teaching & Learning in COVID-19 times study as a digital ethnography to listen to teacher…

As countries moved to halt the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020 access to physical sites of learning was restricted, so teachers across diverse educational contexts were required to rapidly embrace different modes and combinations of delivery.…

news article on consulting with children about COVID-19 public communications.
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