Browse Items (191 total)

The article describes how teachers in New Zealand establish rapport with their students as distance learning begin.

Article relates how the private sector, including, Microsoft, GSMA, Weidong, Google and other partners such as World Bank, the World Food Programme and the International Telecommunication Union contribute resources and their expertise around…

A reference resource for teachers who work with children with disabilities during Covid-19.

Article summarises what students want with regards to online learning.

A comprehensive guide to teaching and learning during Circuit Breaker period in Singapore.

Article shows how Universities in Singapore prepare for delivery of lessons online.

An article of how Singapore schools cope with Home-based Learning.

The author interviewed students, parents and teachers about their experience with teaching and learning during the lockdown.

Article shows number of students in New Zealand who are unable to gain digital access to continue learning on first day of term.

The articles write about how New Zealand families are coping with online learning at home with their children.
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