Browse Items (40 total)

Interview with WSU 21C student partners on the experience of learning online with Zoom (during COVID-19).

A website that gathers information on Universities in Australia to inform educators and public.

Interviews of some of the best teachers at UQ to discuss ‘what works’ in their classrooms in a jargon-free, non-technical manner.

Website with advice and updates on the Covid-19 situation in Australia regarding education.

The Joint Statement outlines consensus-based principles for the higher education sector adapting during the COVID-19 pandemic

Webinars and podcasts across a variety of subject areas in relation to the mass online migration in response to COVID-19.

A compilation of information sheets to support educators and industry leaders during Covid-19.

This site was developed to assist providers who have had to rapidly transition into the online learning space due to COVID-19.

A webinar sharing practical advice, ‘how to’s’, and ideas for practice in online learning for providers transitioning to online learning.

Article provides a guideline for institutes involved in placements for pre-service teachers during Covid-19 pandemic
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