Browse Items (337 total)

1. Eiraku Wazen, Japan, Nine tea cups, late 19th century-early 20th century. Purchased by Rose Grainger on 4 November 1920 from Wahman & Co., New York. 01.0184
2. Unknown maker, South Africa, Seed pod. Seed pod with repeated design of fine copper…

Bonighton Sequenza.jpg
Gift of Agnes Dodds. Grainger Museum Archive, 2017/30-1/1

Set of staff bells (detail), 1916; made by J.C. Deagan Inc. (Chicago) and Percy Aldridge Grainger

This performance at Covent Garden was held less
than a month before Melba sailed for Australia to
visit her ailing father. It was one of the last times
that she sang in London prior to the First World War,
during which Covent Garden was closed.…

Melba’s reign as prima donna at Covent Garden in London was assisted by patron Lady Gladys de Grey, whose husband was one of the venue’s powerful supporters. Melba’s role in this performance, staged by the command of Queen Victoria, indicates the…

Slanting desk case design.jpg
Percy Grainger had a number of unique cases designed for the Grainger Museum, in preparation for the official opening in December 1938. The slanting desk case was created to showcase Percy Grainger's music manuscripts and his drawings of Free Music…

Percy Grainger, Sketch for ‘Sea Songs’ style, composed 1907, worked out beatless for pianola, 26 May 1922

Ink on paper

Grainger Museum Archive, MG 3/79: 1,2

Masonite, wire, string, tape

This invention was Grainger's first attempt at constructing an instrument which could glide smoothly from one tone to the next and which was controlled by a 'musical score' rather than a player. The sound was produced…
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