Een droevigh Liedt, van de Iustitie, die gedaen is binnen hoorn


Een droevigh Liedt, van de Iustitie, die gedaen is binnen hoorn


over een seker Vrouws persoon, genaemt Mary van Rijswijck of in de wandelingh scheele Lijs, die om haer Stelen en verscheyden Huysbraken is opgehangen, op Donderdagh den 7. November 1680.

Translation: A sad song, of the justice which has been done in Hoorn, about a certain woman person named Mary van Rijswijk or in the hallways, cross-eyed Lijs, who for her stealing and several burglaries was hanged on Thursday 7 November 1680.

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Full size images of all song sheets available at the bottom of this page.

Image / Audio Credit

Pamphlet: Den Haag KB: 3 E 33, Nederlandse Liederenbank 

Set to tune of...

Hoe legh ick hier in dees ellende. - How I lie here in this misery.


O Heere goet van grooter machten,
Waer in heb ick mijn tijdt verspilt:
Ick roep u aen met al mijn krachten;
Ick hoop dat ghy mijn helpen wilt:
En mijn o Heer genadigh wesen,
Al ghy den Moordenaer deed' voordesen.

Ick heb berouw van mijn misdaden,
Ick hoop 't niet wesen sal te laet,
Ick ben met veel sonden beladen,
O Heer, by u is altijdt readt.
O Godt wilt mijn sonden vergeten,
En schenckt mijn doch 't eeuwige leven.

Ick gingh van 't waelt Iaren dolen,
In 't soetste van mijn jonge tijdt,
De Hoer-huysen waren mijn Schoolen,
Daer in ick liep met groote:
En leerde daer veel boose streken,
Die mijn och lacy nu opbreken.

Daer na gingh ick met snoode Dieven,
Begaf mijn meed op avontuer,
Ick voeghde mijn na haer believen,
't Was somtijdts soet en somtijts suer,
Alwaer wy quamen ofte sochten,
Namen wy meerder dan wy brochten.

Soo dat geen Huys hoe seer gesloten,
Of ick wist daer te breken in!
't Heeft mij oock nimmermeer verdroten,
Ick lagh somwijlen in een Swingh,
En wist de Schilt wacht soo te houwen,
Dat mijn maets daer mochten op bouwen.

Ick heb soo menigh Huys gebroken,
Daer niemandt aen en wist,
En in gebroken fel gesproken,
't Sa smijt nu open kas en kist,
De Boer sal nu het Lagh betalen,
Daer wy de Wijn en 't bier voor halen.

Daerom ben ick al van de Heeren,
Geset met een Touw om mijn Bast,
Om mijn van Stelen af te keeren,
Smeten mijn in een Tucht-huys vast,
Ick socht daer raet om uyt te komen,
Als ick oock vonde sonder Schroomen

Ick sneed mijn haer oock van Vlechten,
En maeckte daer doen Baltjes van,
En nam een Tontel-doos met rechten,
En maeckte dat daer vuer quam an:
Om 't Tucht-huys in de Brand te steken,
Als 't Alckmaer wel is gebleken.

Noch heb ick op verscheyden Plecken
Veel Huysen in de lichte Brandt
Gestoken, en ging dan vertrecken,
Als ick dit met een boose handt,
Had uytgerecht al sonder schromen,
Dat nu soo qualijck werdt genomen.

Soo dat de wijse goede Heeren,
Mijn hebben aengeseydt de Doodt,
Om met een koordt 't mijnder oneeren,
Te sterven door benautheyt groot,
Daerom waerschouw ick man of Wijven,
Niet meer by Dievery te blyven.

Och had ick over veel Iaren,
Bedacht dat mijn nu weder vaerdt,
'k Had uyt mijn hooft gehaelt de Haren,
En had mijn liever toebedaert,
't Is nu te laet ick moet nu scheyden,
O Godt? wilt mijn Ziel nu geleyden.

'k Waerschouw nu yder niet te Stelen,
Of anders gaet ghy mee de gangh,
Dit moet nu niemandt niet vervelen,
Op dat ghy singht een ander Sangh,
En Rasphuys Boeven algelijcke,
Siet ghy daer noch vry wat te kijcke.

Vergeeft het mijn vrome Huys-luyden,
Al 't gene dat ick heb misdaen,
ick moet nu van de Aerde Vlieden,
Als een Schim die men heeft sien staen,
Vergeeft soo wordt u weer geven,
Ghy meed het Eeuwigh leven.

Adieuw voor 't laetste vriend en magen,
Adieu tot in der eeuwigheyt,
Adieuw alle die na mijn vragen,
Ick ben tot Sterven wel bereydt,
Godt wil mijn Ziel genadigh wesen,
Daer op soo Sterf ick sonder vreesen.

Roemwaerde Engelin,
Gy die door u soete loncken
Menigh Hartje hebt ontstoncken,
En gelockt tot uwe min.
Uwe nette bruyne,
En u sarp soete mont,
Hebben menigh gast bewoogen,
En sijn jeughdigh hart gewont.

Oh good Lord of higher power,
Wherein I have wasted my time:
I call to you with all my strength;
I hope that you will help me:
And be merciful to me, oh lord,
Like you were to the murderer before me.

I have remorse for my misdeeds,
I hope that it will not be too late,
I am loaded with many sins,
O lord, with you there is always wisdom/council,
O God will you forget my sins,
And grant me still the eternal life.

I wandered by the water [for] years,
In the sweetest of my young time,
The whore-houses were my schools,
Therein I walked with the great:
And learned there many evil tricks,
Which, alas, break me up now.

After that I went with nefarious thieves,
Went myself along on adventure,
I accommodated myself after her believes,
It was sometimes sweet and sometimes sour,
Wherever we came or sought,
We took more than we brought.

So that no house, no matter how closed,
Or I knew how to break into it!
It has nevermore saddened me,
I sometimes danced a swing,
And knew to keep the sentry such
That my rhythm could build on it.

I so broke into many a house,
That no one knew about,
And broken in heartlessly spoken,
Go on, now fling open till and chest,
The farmer shall now pay for all,
For which we get the wine and the beer.

That is why I am of all the Lords,
Set with a rope around my chest,
To steer me away from stealing,
Flung me into a discipline-house,
I sought council there to escape,
Which I found without scruples.

I cut my hair too from braids,
And made that into little balls,
And took a flammable-box with justice,
And took care to start a fire there,
To set the discipline-house on fire,
Like it happened in Alkmaar.

So too have I, in different places, set many houses on fire and then I went away

As I did with bad intent
Had done without scruples,
That which is now being resented.

So that the wise good Lords,
Have assigned Death to me,
To die with a cord, because of my dishonour,
By great suffocation,
That is why I warn man or wives,
Not to stay with thievery.

Oh had I over many years,
Figured out what has now come back to me,
I would have pulled the hair from my head,
And had rather tucked myself in,
It is now too late, I must divorce [from life],
O God? Will you now guide my soul.

I now warn all not to steal,
Or else you will go the same way,
This must now not bore anyone,
When you sing a different song,
And thieves of a discipline-house alike,
See you there still free to watch.

Forgive my pious house-people,
All that I have misdone,
I must now flee from the earth,
Like a shade which people have seen standing,
Forgive so you shall be given,
You with the eternal life.

Adieu for the last time, friend and virgins,
Adieu until eternity,
Adieu all who ask after me,
I am prepared to die,
God be merciful to my soul,
Thereby so I die without fear.

Glorious Angel,
You who by her sweet looks,
Ignited many a heart,
And lured to your pleasure,
Your burning net,
And your sharp sweet mouth,
Have moved many a man,
And hurt his youthful heart.

Translation by Rena Bood






Translation Notes:
1. ‘voordesen’ literally translates as ‘before this’ or ‘beforehand.’
2. The literal translation for this phrase would be ‘I lay sometimes in a swing’ (like swing-dancing, as two lines down the speaker uses ‘maets’ i.e. ‘rhythm’).
3. ‘Sa’ is a general encouragement, so ‘go on’ is not a direct translation.
4. ‘het Lagh’ refers to the costs made by a group of people in, for example, an inn. It can also refer to the costs made by a gathering of a merry company who go out drinking.
5. ‘rechten’ is a bit tricky. It can mean ‘justice,’ but also ‘straight,’ ‘foundation,’ ‘erect,’ and ‘restore to a good condition.’
6. Literal translation would be ‘with an angry hand’ which in Dutch means with bad intent.
7. ‘gangh’ is actually ‘hallway’ so literally the speaker says that the spectator will ‘go along the hallway’


Een droevigh Liedt 1.jpg
een droevigh Liedt 2.jpg
Een droevigh Liedt 3.jpg



“Een droevigh Liedt, van de Iustitie, die gedaen is binnen hoorn,” Execution Ballads, accessed December 22, 2024,

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