Kwasi Wiredu


Kwasi Wiredu

Birth Date



Kumasi, Ghana

Death Date


Primary Sources

Wiredu, K. (2007) The Need for Conceptual Decolonization in African Philosophy, in Ramose, M.B and Boatamo Mosupyoe. B. (eds.), The Development of Thought in Pan Africanism, Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 76–82.

Wiredu, K. (2006)(Ed) A Companian to African Philosopher, Wiley, Blackwell.

Wiredu, K. (2001) Tradition, democracy and political legitimacy in contemporary Africa, In Kurimoto Eisei, K. (Ed) Rewriting Africa: toward renaissance or collapse? Osaka : Japan Center for Area Studies, 161-172

Wiredu, K. (1997) The need for conceptual decolonization in African philosophy." In Philosophy and Democracy in intercultural Perspective/Philosophie et démocratie en perspective interculturelle, pp. 11-22. Brill.

Wiredu, K (1996) Cultural Universals and Particulars : an African perspective, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.

Wiredu, K (1995) Conceptual Decolonization in African Philosophy: Four Essay. Ibadan: Hope Publication.

Wiredu, K (1990) An Akan perspective on human rights, In An-Naim., A.A, Deng, F.M.,(Eds) Human rights in Africa: cross-cultural perspectives, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 243-260.

Wiredu, K. (1983) The Akan Concept of Mind, Ibadan: Journal of Humanistic Studies, 3.

Wiredu, K (1980) Philosophy and an African Culture, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Secondary Sources

Molefe, M., & Allsobrook, C. (2018). Editorial: African Philosophy and Rights. Theoria: A Journal of Social & Political Theory, 65(157), v–vii.

Eze, M. O., & Metz, T. (2015). Emergent Issues in African Philosophy: A Dialogue with Kwasi Wiredu. Philosophia Africana, 17(2), 75–87.

Osha, S. (2005) Kwasi Wiredu and beyond: The Text, Writing and Thought in Africa. Dakar, Seegal: Codeseria

Extra Resources

Kwasi Wiredu and the question of decolonisation. Sanya Osha, 20 Oct 2022, HUMA Doctoral Seminar Series, Accessed Dec 10 2022

Sanya Osha, "Kwasi Wiredu", Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (n.d). Accessed Dec 10 2022

Osha, S (2020). 'Kwasi Wiredu cleared the way for modern African philosophy', The Conversation, January 19, 2022. Accessed Dec 3 2022.



“Kwasi Wiredu,” Decoloniality, First Nations Thinkers and thought and practices from the Global South, accessed September 12, 2024,

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