

This curated archive of thinkers has been researched and curated by Dr Liz Dean with research assistants who came on board at different times: Prue Rutter, Jo Daffy, Connor Brett, Pavit Bakshi and Chabel Din Khan, with Ary Hermawan creating the  digital 'cluster-of-thinkers' (with UniMelb's digital studio internship program). Dr Mar Quiroga (Melbourne Data Analytics  Platform) designed this Omeka site and translated the clusters of thinkers to this site with meticulous care, generosity and knowledge. I am indebted.  Funding from the School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne, also made this site possible.

This work in progress began in 2020 to respond, in part, to discussions within and outside of universities about decolonising education, becoming more open to First Peoples knowledges and knowledge from the global south, and listening to the student led and First Nations questions which include 'why is our curriculum (still) so white'.  It has been created for subject coordinators and students use in research, assessments, seminars and curricula renewal, and to make more readily available First Peoples and global south or south to south, thinkers and knowledges. 

The site is both iterative and not an exhaustive list of scholars, their work and knowledges.  The focus is more on the area I am located, now called Australia  while also including an array of regions. There are limits to this site and due to this, there is also a contribution button made available for omissions.  

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this site,  including the authors who spent time sending their photos and permissions.

