Browse Items (17 total)

This output was produced from the following dataset:
Creative Victoria (2020): All Sustaining Creative Workers recipients. Dataset.

This is an…

To make sense of data, and to cite data and its relationship to theory and method I draw. I draw the spaces between as I think. I draw the lines that navigate from site to site, thinking with and seeing through allows me to sense-make and make-sense.…

The relationship between activity, platform, and data trace is captured withing the system of (inter)actions – a framework for understanding the association between desired goals and the mediums through which these are realised (Spreadborough et al.,…

Details of December 14 Workshop including QR code and url for registration

This week the #DataCreativities project team from the University of Melbourne presented a new model for visual data analysis - thanks to @kateycoleman @MDAP_Unimelb @MelbCSHE @fitzyjane @SpreadboroughKL @mazinbriz #Figshare

This blog post appears on the Melbourne CSHE Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning research network website. The blog post explores how data can be used to inform practice and pedagogy in the Creative Industries.

Presentation at "ARTiculate:

Communicating your research in the Fine Arts and Music", Hosted by the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne, 2020-11-26

We are witnessing a cultural and pedagogical evolution. The…

This guide outlines how the #DataCreativities team uses Figshare and Omeka to share our outputs, and archive and curate outputs from others that we have used within our collaboration. The guide also provides some general information about how others…

This document has three goals:

1. To clearly define how the #DataCreativities collaboration outputs should be cited by others,

2. To clearly state how the #DataCreativities collaboration will cite others,

3. To make explicit how the…

This output was produced by members of the #DataCreativities team Kristal Spreadborough, Gene Melzack, and Emily Fitzgerald.

This output is a single PDF document containing:
1. context and overview of the ecology of resources used by…
Output Formats

atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2