Events and Presentations
On this page you will find a list of events and presentations by the #DataCreativities team.
Events and presentations participated in by the #DataCreativities team
- 2021-02-18: Presentation at the SoTEL symposium 2021.
- 2021-08 to 09-04: Presentation at the Seventeenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society.
- 2020-11-05: Presentation to the ASCILITE Mobile Learning SIG. In this presentation, members of the #DataCreativities team discuss our approach to data and methods.
- 2020-11-26: Presentation at the ARTiculate conference. In this presentation, members of the #DataCreativities team give an overview of our collaboration.
Events and presentations planned by the #DataCreativities team
- 2021-02-26, 1pm-2pm: Ethics with a captial E interest group meeting.