





This is an image of my hand on one side of the bathroom door, and on the other side, toilet paper. Currently in Australia, there is a shortage of toilet paper due to the COVID-19 situation, and I wanted to portray my family’s struggle of obtaining toilet paper.

I used my hand to portray my feeling at that time - helplessness. I was in self-quarantine for two weeks and I was not allowed to leave the house. To worsen the situation, we were also running low on toilet paper at home. For two weeks, my mum struggled to find toilet paper anywhere. I felt helpless at home and felt sorry for my family.

Fortunately, I had a great network of friends. I spoke to my friends on our current situation, and one of them kindly gave us this pack of toilet paper. She told me that she had an extra pack of toilet paper, so she drove all the way to my house to deliver this pack to us. Her act of kindness made me reflect on how fortunate I am to have friends that look out for my family and I. Although this virus is affecting all of us, I truly believe that we can fight this together if we look out for each other through this stressful period in time.


University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health.


Semester 1, 2020


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Helplessness, University of Melbourne. Students from Community Based Participatory Research subject, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health., Semester 1, 2020