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An official government page that contains information to support our learners' education during this COVID-19 situation.

The website shows students began trying to navigate distance learning all over the world through pictures from different parts of the world.

An article written by Centre for the Developing Child- Harvard University on how to support healthy child development. A 3-step guide for caregivers.

Thi s course explores four myths: that learning design is about technology and content; that innovation and accessibility are incompatible; that researching online learning is an ethics-free zone, and that educators’ online identities are irrelevant.

A comprehensive guide to teaching and learning during Circuit Breaker period in Singapore.

A series of online workshops for an international audience of highly engaged senior educational leaders from across the higher education sector. The workshops were for participants to engage with key facets of the central SDCE question.

The website provides link to resources to support the provision of education in places affected by COVID-19.

. In this report, the International Commission on the Futures of
Education—established by UNESCO in 2019 and composed of thought leaders from the
worlds of academia, science, government, business and education—presents nine ideas for

Addressing the many social, political fault lines during the Covid-19 pandemic

An education blog for educator, IT professional, school leaders, students and press on digital learning.
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