ZELENKA. Gio. Dis.



ZELENKA. Gio. Dis.


ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745), [Messe] No 6. Corporis Domini, III/Z/8/1


[Mus. 2358-D-25 Missing: several sources in D-B]


ZELENKA. Gio. Dis.

Uniform Composer

ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745)

Location (1765)

Schranck III; Fach 8; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola, Corni, Trombe e Timp.’

Materials (1765)

Partitur; Parti

Title Partitura

[Missa Corporis Domini]

Uniform Title



Autogr. score and parts for Missa Corporis Domini (a Missa tota) missing in Dresden.
In the later ‘Catalogo della Musica di Chiesa ’ (c1784) score and parts for the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus are listed for Messa: No: 6) Corporis Domini (III/Z/9/1). The scoring given for all sections is: à 4 voci co’ VVni. Vla, Oboi, Corni , Tromb. Timp. ed Org.
NB: the incipit given for an anonymous Credo setting listed under MUSICA SENZA NOME DELL'AUTORE (see III/27/13) in A Major agrees with the incipit given for Missa Corporis Domini in the Catalogo (c1784) for the Credo in D Major in that same Catalogo (III/Z/9/1).
Zelenka’s setting Missa Corporis Domini ZWV 9 might have been composed for the octave of Corpus Christi, 1727. In that year, on 8.6.1727 (Trinity Sunday: Dedication of the Dresden Catholic court church), the Diarium noted that Zelenka was responsible for the music (‘Musicam fecit D. Zelenka’).
1. D-B, Am.B 361 (II): Kyrie and Gloria only (late 18th century). RISM ID no. 452505217;
2. D-B, Mus. MS 30817, No. 1: score copy of Kyrie, Gloria (18th c.);
3. D-B, Am.B 362: complete score in the hand of Gottlob Harrer. RISM ID no. 452505220. See Kollmar, Gottlob Harrer (1703-1755), 305–06;
4. D-B, Mus. MS 23541/5: 18 performance parts (incomplete) for the entire Mass in the hand of Harrer, RISM ID no. 452522198;
5. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXV D 131. Kyrie and Gloria from this mass titled Missa S. Antonii Padua kept by the Kreuzherren Prague. Comprises a set of 14-15 parts, dated ‘1750’. RISM ID no. 550255394
6. CZ-Pnm 65/52, Catalogues 1720, 1733, f. 3: ‘Missa ex d S: Antoniis. 1ae classis: Zelenka.’
See Zelenka-Dokumentation, 286, ZWV 9. Kohlhase , ‘Der Dresdener Hofkirchenkomponist’, 143.
The inclusion in the scoring of two clarini, two trumpets, and timpani suggests that perhaps this mass (or ZWV 7) once was held by Sehling titled Missa Tranquilli animi (now missing in CZ-Pak). See Štefan ([1469] Sign. ?), prov. Joseph Antonín Sehling.


V. 10 (1904), 337–8: Zelenka, Johann Dismas [...] Die kathol. Kirche in Dresden [...] 21 vollständige Messen, alle in P. u. Stb [...]


Score and parts of Missa Corporis Domini by Zelenka (ZWV 9) missing from SLUB. No entry in the SLB card catalogue.



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“ZELENKA. Gio. Dis.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4406.