ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.



ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.


ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745), [Litaniae Lauretanae]: No 4., III/Z/16/4


Mus. 2358-D-54


ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.

Uniform Composer

ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745)

Location (1765)

Schranck III; Fach 16; Lage 4



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci a Capella. Senza Stromenti’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Uniform Title



Autogr. score with blue-grey cover which has a label to correspond with the Hofkirche Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. III | Lit. Z. 15. Fach 6. Lage | Litaniae Lauretanae | à 4 voci | a Capella | Partitura e parti | del Sigr Zelencka | Incipit.
Cover title (autogr.): Nro 1 (changed to 5, both deleted and changed to 4 by another hand) Nro 3 (scrubbed through) | Litaniae Lauretanae | a 4 | factae | In honorem Thurmaturgae | Kruppnensis | dum primam Cohors catholica | Dresdensis | ad eam | faceret peregrinationem | ab indignissimo Servo| J D: Z:.
Left (head of score): Dresd: 6 Settem | 1725. Parts are missing.
This a cappella setting was composed by Zelenka to be sung by the Dresden Catholic Kapellknaben in the procession during their first pilgrimage to a Marian shrine in Northern Bohemia.
In September 1725 during the octave of the Nativity BVM, a Dresden court-sponsored group, which included the Kapellknaben in the service of the royal chapel, visited the shrine of the Virgin of Sorrows (Mariaschein) at Graupen in Bohemia. Part of the account of this event, given in the annual letter from Dresden for 1725, reads: ‘. . . die undecimâ videlicet Septembris congregata circa horam octavam centum et amplius Capitum paria comparuêre, quae in ordinem redacta, et Luminaribus instructa Missionis Superior stipatus in pluvialibus â duobus nostris Patribus, et duobus Ecclesiasticis in dalmaticis cum sex ministris, praecedentibus duobus vexillis pretiosis, auro textis, musicis quadruplici ordine distinctis, et Litanias Laurentanas pulchro artificio concinnatas decantantibus, tormentis minoribus, et mortariis, tubaram, tympanorúmque locum tenentibus, obviam veniente Rdo Pre Loci Superiore cum sua gratiosa Comitiva, ad Thronum Gratiae marianum solatiosissimè introduxit. (Annuae Missionis Dresdensis ad annum 1725, ARSI (I-Rar), Boh 140, 24. (Transl: on the fixed day, 11 September, at about the eighth hour, one hundred and more pairs turned up and were placed in order and given candles. They were led to the Marian Throne of Grace by the superior of the mission, who was in pluvials, accompanied by two of our fathers and two ecclesiastics in dalmatics along with six assistants, preceded by two precious banners woven in gold. The musicians were arranged in four groups and sang skillfully and beautifully composed Litanies of Loreto with smaller cannon and petards taking the place of trumpets and timpani. The Reverend Superior of the place came to meet us with his gracious suite’).
See Zelenka-Dokumentation, 123–4, Dok. 28; 302, ZWV 150.
In the later ‘Catalogo della Musica di Chiesa’ (c1784) score and parts are listed under the heading Litaniae Lauretanae No. 4) (III/Z/15/6). The scoring is given as: ‘à 4 voci à Capella.’


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 10 (1904), 337: Zelenka, Johann Dismas [...] In Dresde. kath. Kirche [...] Litaneien

SLB Card Catalog

Aut. 225) Mus. 2358-E-54<br />
Zelenka, Giovanni Disma:<br />
Litaniae Lauretanae No 4 (Krupnenses) a 4 voci a cappella [Z 150 ] G-dur. Part. u. St. Dresda 1725 1 H. m. 4 St. 4to u. 8vo Mus.-Mscr. Orig.-Ms. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert


Score of Litaniae Lauretanae (G) by Zelenka (Mus. 2358-D-54) held by SLUB; 4 parts missing from Dresden.


ZWV 150

Sort Order



“ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4323.