ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.



ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.


ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745), [Litaniae Lauretanae]: No 3., III/Z/16/3


Mus. 2358-D-53


ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.

Uniform Composer

ZELENKA, Jan (Lukáš Ignatius) Dismas (b Louňovice pod Blaníkem 1679–d Dresden 1745)

Location (1765)

Schranck III; Fach 16; Lage 3



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci con Strom.’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Litanie di Vergine MARIA

Uniform Title



Bound autogr. score. Parts are missing.
Brown title page with autogr. title: Nro 1 | Litanie di Ver= | gine MARIA | à 4 Concer: | Violin : 2 | Viola | e | Basso Continuo | Zelenka.
To the left is written (autogr.): à Vienn: li 10 | Febru: 1718.
Autograph remarks in the score relate to Zelenka’s movement of sections into later works:
p. 3: applicaru[m] in Lita: de S. X: (ZWV 154: Litaniae Xaverianae, 1723)
p. 9: Theophoria (ZWV 241: Missa Theophorica â 2 Cori. Missing)
p. 23: app. in Missa Theophoria (ZWV 241: Missa Theophorica â 2 Cori. Missing)
p. 29: app. in M: Theoph: (ZWV 241: Missa Theophorica â 2 Cori. Missing)
p. 46: app. in Missa (? ZWV 241: Missa Theophorica â 2 Cori. Missing).
See Zelenka-Dokumentation, 107, Dok. 8; 301, ZWV 149.
In the later ‘Catalogo della Musica di Chiesa’ (c1784) parts only are listed under the heading Litaniae Lauretanae No. 3) (III/Z/15/5). There, the listing has the indication ‘imperfetta’.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 10 (1904), 337: Zelenka, Johann Dismas [...] In Dresde. kath. Kirche [...] Litaneien

SLB Card Catalog

(Aut. 225) Mus. 2358-E-53<br />
Zelenka, Giovanni Disma:<br />
Litaniae Lauretanae No 3: Litanie di Virgine Mariae a 4 voci [mit Orchester], [Z 149] C-dur. Part. Vienna 1718 1 Bd quer- 4o [mit losen Blättern] Orig.-Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche.


Score of Litaniae Lauretanae (C) by Zelenka (Mus. 2358-D-53) held by SLUB; parts (missing between 1765 and c1784) not catalogued by SLB.


ZWV 149

Sort Order



“ZELENKA, Gio. Dis.,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/4322.