



GRUA, Carlo Luigi Pietro (b Florence c1665–d Venice 1726), Laetatus sum, II/P/10/5


Mus. 2221-D-2; Mus. 2221-D-2a



Uniform Composer

GRUA, Carlo Luigi Pietro (b Florence c1665–d Venice 1726)

Location (1765)

Schranck II; Fach 10; Lage 5



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Laetatus a 4tro voci Fugato

Uniform Title

Psalms (ps. 121)


Mus. 2221-D-2: Unbound autogr. score.
Title page: Laetatus a 4 voci Fugato | con Istromenti | del Sigr Pietragrua.
Conclusion of the score: ‘In N.D. Finis die pma Maius 1713 | Dusseldorfsis’.
A hand other than the composer’s (is it Ristori?) is responsible for some instrumental colle parte additions to this score. (See pages 4, 12–13, 16–17, and 19) which seems to be an early acquisition for the music repertoire of the Dresden Catholic court church.
This work is also listed in this Catalogo (1765) under the name ‘Foschi’. Provenance Zelenka (I/F/14/7) (Mus. 1900-E-1).
See Gerhard Poppe, ‘Kontinuität der Institution’, 78.
Mus. 2221-D-2a: Set of 20 parts. Blue-grey wrapper with catalogue label, and pale brown wrapper with title. The parts have the appearance of being prepared c1719–20.
Label on the outer cover to correspond with the Catalogo (c1784): Schranck No. II. | 7. Lit: P. Fach 6. Lage | Laetatus sum | à 4 voci | co’ VVni Viola ed Org. | Partitura e parti | del Sigr Pietragrua. Incipit. Cover title: S. Petragrua. | Laetatus, a 4 co’ Strum[en]ti | partita e parte cavate.
Concordance: CZ-Pak, 357 (under the authorship of Carlo Foschi). See Štefan ([374] Sign. 357, prov. Görbig and Novàk. Parts (8 vocal; 12 instrumental): Canto; Alto; Tenor; Basso; Canto R[ipien]o; Alto R[ipien]o; Tenor R[ipien]o; Basso R[ipien]o; Violino Primo; Violino Primo; Violino Secondo; Violino Secondo; Violetta; Violetta; Violoncello; Violone; Organo (figured); Oboe Primo; Oboe Secondo; Fagotto.


[Mus. 2221-D-2]: Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche; [Mus. 2221-D-2a]: Sächsische Lande-Bibl.



V. 7 (1902), 445: Pietra Grua (oder Cranesteyn), Gasparo [...] Im Archiv der kath. Kirche in Dresden: Beatus vir. Laetatus sum, 4 voc. c. Strom. Mss. P.

SLB Card Catalog

Mus. 2221-D-2: Grua, Carlo Luigi Pietro [Laetatus sum] Letatus a 4tro voci Fugato Con Istromenti [. . .] Für SATB, 2 vl, vla, bc; d moll Sätze ‘Laetatus’ (d. C) — Gloria patri (d, ?) Text 121. Psalm Ms autog., Düsseldorf 1713 Partitur = 22 S., 1 Bl. 4to Die Autorengabe a.d. Titelseite stammt — als einzige Zutat — von der Hand G. A. Ristoris. Vormals: Depos. Kath. HofkircheMus. 2221-D-2a: Grua, [Carlo Luigi] Pietro [Laetatus sum] [. . . ] Letatus. a 4. co Strm.ti partit.a e parti cavate. d moll, vgl. Mus. 2221-D-2 (autogr. Partitura) Mss. ca. 1720, Dresden: G. Personè u. weitere ital. Schreiber 20 Stimmen: S,A,T,B,S,A,T,B, (Rip.); vl.1, 2, vletta (je 2x), vcl, vne, org (beziff.); obl, 2, fag. qu. 4o u. qu. 8o dazu älterer u. jüngerer Titelumschlag d. Kapellarchivs. Vormals: Depos. Kath. Hofkirche.


Score of Laetatus sum by Pietragrua held by SLUB (Mus. 2221-D-2); 20 parts held by SLUB (Mus. 2221-D-2a).

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“PIETRAGRUA,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3890.