



HEINICHEN, Johann David (b Krossuln 1683–d Dresden 1729), Messe: No 1, I/H/31/1


Mus. 2398-D-14a



Uniform Composer

HEINICHEN, Johann David (b Krossuln 1683–d Dresden 1729)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 31; Lage 1



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni, Viola, Flauti e Corni’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Missa 5ta abbreviata

Uniform Title



Autogr. score (damaged). Parts are missing. This is the abbreviated version of Heinichen’s fifth mass (1723: Mus. 2398-D-14, not listed into this Catalogo of 1765).
Cover label (non-autogr.): Missa 1 abbreviata | Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus, à 4 voci con Stromenti | (incipit) | di Heinichen. Illegible pencil marks.
Title page: No: 1 (non-autogr.) | Missa 5ta abbreviata 1728 | à 4 voci| con Corni da Caccia | Flaut. travers. | Hautb. | Violini| di | Giov. Heinichen.
Conclusion of score: Abbreviata Mens Marzio 1728 | ‘35 Minuten’.
The comment, ‘35 Minuten’, suggests the performance time of this work. The relatively small number of Heinichen’s works listed here resulted from a Dresden court Bettmeister selling much of Heinichen’s music stored in the apartments of the late Queen Maria Josepha (d 1757). Scattered items were rescued by Joseph Schuster Sr (1722–1784). See Poppe, ‘Über historisches gedächtnis in der Kirchenmusik’, 139, citing Fürstenau I, 144.
Jóhannes Ágústsson has kindly advised that works recovered from Heinichen’s collection (but not included by Schürer in this Catalogo) include:
D-Dl, Mus.2193-D-1 Giovanni Bononcini, Laudate Pueri
D-Dl, Mus.2709-D-1 Crotti, Myssa, partiture
D-Dl, Mus.2709-D-2 Crotti Myssa, parts
D-Dl, Mus.2114-D-2,2 Bassani, Missa
D-Dl, Mus.2119-E-2,1 GA Bernabei, Congregati sunt inimici nostri
D-Dl, Mus.2119-E-2,2 GA Bernabei, Lautate pueri
D-Dl, Mus.2425-D-1,1 Predieri, Missa
D-Dl, Mus.2425-D-1,2 Predieri, Missa
D-Dl, Mus.2425-D-1,3 Predieri, Credo
D-Dl, Mus.2203-D-1,1 Francesco Mancini, Myssa
D-Dl, Mus.2203-D-1,2 Francesco Mancini, Myssa
D-Dl, Mus.2367-D-1 FB Conti, Missa
D-Dl, Mus.1813-D-1 Carlo Pallavicini, Messa
D-B, Mus.ms.2730 Caldara, Missa 2.a di Toson (RISM 452002710).
After a decision reported in the Dresden Diarium Missionis on 28.10.1725 – ‘debebit Gloria et Credo constanter esse breve’ (The Gloria and Credo will always need to be brief) – Heinichen began to shorten his earlier mass settings.
Concerning the occasion for which this mass might have been performed, see Stockigt (‘After Six Weeks’, Table 10.2) where it is suggested that this abbreviated version was intended for the churching ceremony (Kirchgang) of Electoral Princess Maria Josepha on 10.10.1728 following the birth of Princess Maria Anna (b 29.8.1728).
On this work see Horn (Hkm, 71, 74, 76, 82).


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche. Damaged sticker on cover.


Vol. V (1901), 89: Heinichen, Johann David [...] Messen in Dresd. Mus: 2 Mess. in Dd. Mus. A 173. 174. —15 Messen und 3 Requiem im Archiv der kathol. Kirche in Dresd.

SLB Card Catalog

Heinichen, Giovanni: Missa [5ta] abbreviata a 4 voci con Corni de Caccia [reformata], Flauti traversi. hautbois, Violini. [mit. Orch.] F dur. 4/4. Part u. St. 1728 [abbrev.] 1 Bd. u. 37 St. qu. 4to u. 4to . Part. Orig.-Mus.-Mscr. [=Zweitfassg. der Missa V]. Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert = O


Autogr. score of Missa 5ta abbreviata (abbreviated version of M 5) by Heinichen (Mus. 2398-D-14a) held by SLUB; 37 parts to accompany the score missing from Dresden.


M 5a (Schmitz)

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“HEINICHEN,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 29, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3806.