GONELLI, Giuseppi



GONELLI, Giuseppi


GONELLI [Gonella; Gionelli], Giuseppe (b Cremona 1685?–d Cremona 1745), Kyrie e Gloria, I/G/22/2


Mus. 2735-D-2


GONELLI, Giuseppi

Uniform Composer

GONELLI [Gonella; Gionelli], Giuseppe (b Cremona 1685?–d Cremona 1745)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 22; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Vla e Basso’

Materials (1765)


Title Partitura

Chirie e Gloria

Uniform Title



Score copy of a Kyrie and Gloria. Italian copy. Watermark shows the lower part of a [Maltese?] Cross and fleur de lys?
Title page: Chirie e Gloria | a 4 | con stromenti | Del Sigr D. Giuseppe Gonelli. Head of score: In No[mi]ne Do[min]e, ac diepare.
Conclusion of Kyrie: Soli deo ac diepare | honor et gloria. Conclusion of Gloria: Soli deo ac diepare | honor et gloria.
This copy is in the same hand as Mus. 2735-D-1 and -D-3. Is it possible that the mass listing No. 66 in Zelenka’s Inventarium – Gionelli – (not entered in Zelenka’s hand) is by Gonelli?
Small round sticker on page 1 of score: ‘27’ (red ink). These stickers are discussed by Bacciagaluppi & Stockigt, ‘Italian Manuscripts of Sacred Music in Dresden’, 152; Table 5.
1. CZ-Pkřiž, XXXV C 61. Held in the Kreuzherren collection Prague as 12 parts dated 1744. RISM 5502488232.
2. The incipit agrees with the incipit of a Kyrie e Gloria listing in the Osek Inventary, 1754+ ‘Catalogus Missarum pro Stylo moderno producibilium. Missa Solennissimae’, fol. 2v, No. 24 – a Kyrie and Gloria setting by Gionelli. Set of 12 parts (titled Messa | à | Canto. 2 in Christe et quoniam.| Alto. | Tenore. | Basso. | Violinis 2bus. | Violis 2bus. necessa: | con. | Fondamento. | Sig: Gonelli. | Anno Dni | 1744 | die 17. Aprilis).
3. The autograph score of this Kyrie-Gloria, dated 1738, is held in the Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi, Biblioteca, Milano (I-Mc, M. S. MS. 123-6). RISM ID no. 851000715


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkiche. Label on title page: ‘27’ (red ink).


‘27’ (red ink on sticker)


V. 4 (1901), 304-05: Gonelli (Gonella), Giuseppe, da Cremona [...] 2 Kyrie u. Gloria a 4 v. c. 2 V. Va. ed org. und 1 Dixit ebenso besetzt, Ms. P. u. Stb. [Dresd. kath. Kirche.].

SLB Card Catalog

Gonelli, Giuseppe: Chirie e Gloria à 4to con Stromenti. B dur. C. Part. o. J. 1 H. qu-4to . Mus.-Mscr. Kath. Hofkirche.


Score copy of Chirie e Gloria (B flat) by Gonelli (Mus. 2735-D-2) held by SLUB.

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“GONELLI, Giuseppi,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024, http://omeka.cloud.unimelb.edu.au/hofkirchecatalogo1765/items/show/3748.