GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello


GALUPPI, Baldassare (b Burano nr Venice 1706–d Venice 1785), Messe: No 1. Kyrie, Gloria e Credo, I/G/15/2


Mus. 2973-D-3


GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello

Uniform Composer

GALUPPI, Baldassare (b Burano nr Venice 1706–d Venice 1785)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 15; Lage 2



Scoring (1765)

‘a 5 voci conc: co’ VVni, Viola, Flauti, Oboè, Corni e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Messa Solenne e Concertata

Uniform Title



Score copy of a Kyrie, Gloria, Credo kept in three volumes. Each volume has a blue-grey cover with one label; the storage position (Schranck: Fach; Lage) noted on the cover (but not on the label) must correspond with the missing volume 1 of the Catalogo (c1784). The label of each volume bears the monogram ‘AR’ (August Rex = August III).
Parts missing from Dresden. NB: the incipit given in the Catalogo (1765) lacks a dot after each crotchet in bar 1 (marked *).
Cover of Vol. 1: No. I. Schranck | 15. Fach 2. Lage | Kyrie solo (centre). This storage position relates to the listing of the work in this Catalogo (1765).
Cover label (all crossed through): C dur | Messa Solenne e Concertata | â | 2) Soprani 2) Contr: Alti | 2) Tenori Basso | 2) Violini 2) Oboe | 2) Flauti Traversi | 2) Trombe 2. Corni | Violetta | et | Organo | dell’ Sigre Baldasser Galuppi d[etto]: | Buranello. | AR. ‘No: 1’ is written to the left of the instrumentation
Title page (hand of Iseppo Baldan, whose distinctive hand seen throughout the scores): Messa | Solenne, concerta con | Violini, Viole, Oboè, Traver. Trombe, Corni e | Timpani | a Quattro Voci | Del Sigl Baldassar Galuppi, d[ett]o: | Buranello.
Scoring (taken from p. 1)]: Trombe 1,2; flauti trav. 1,2; Violini 1,2; Violetta; SATB; Organo Principal [and] Violoncelli soli (figured).
Vol. 2: 4to. Cover label: 15. Fach | 2. Lage | No: 1 (left) | Gloria | a’ la Messa C dur | dell’ | Sigro Galuppi | AR. Title page (Baldan): Gloria | del Sigl Baldassar | Galuppi | Detto Buranello.
Scoring [p. 1]: Corni 1,2; ob. 1,2; vn. 1,2; va; SATB; b.c. (figured).
Vol. 3: qu. 4to: Cover label: 15. Fach | 2. Lage | No: 1 (left) | Credo | a’ la Messa C dur | dell’ | Sigro Galuppi | AR.
Title page (Baldan): Credo | del Sigl Baldassar | Galuppi | d[ett]o Buranello.
Scoring (p. 1): Trombe 1,2; ob. 1,2; vn. 1,2; va; SATB; b.c. (figured).
On this source see Burde, Die venezianische Kirchenmusik von Baldassare Galuppi, Werkverzeichnis B, I/3, 18–23.
See also Stockigt, Italian Sacred Music (2018), 227–230, where it is suggested that the entire music collection supplied from the Venetian copying house of Iseppo Baldan and now held in Dresden, was acquired to serve the court of August III during his years of exile in Warsaw (1756–1763).


Sachs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum Kath. Hofkirche (each vol.)


V. 4 (1901), 139: Galuppi, Baldassare, il (oder detto) Buranello [...] 19 Messen und Messenteile f. Chor. u. Instr. [...] [Dresden kathol. Kirche.

SLB Card Catalog

Galuppi: Baldassar: Messa solenne concertata con Violini, Viole, Oboe, Flauti traver., Trombe, Corni e Timpani a quattro voci. C-dur. Part. Mus.-Mscr. 3 Bde, 58 St. 4to u. qu. 8vo . Kath. Hofkirche. Stimmen stehen gesondert. O


Score copy of Messe No. 1 Kyrie, Gloria e Credo (in 3 vols.) by Galuppi (Mus. 2973-D-3) held by SLUB; 58 parts missing from Dresden.


Burde: I/3

Sort Order



“GALUPPI, Baldass: detto il Buranello,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,