


FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (b Schönfeld 1656–d Ratstatt 1746), Psalmi: Laudate Dominum; Magnificat; In exitu Israel, I/F/14/4


Mus. 1865-D-1



Uniform Composer

FISCHER, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (b Schönfeld 1656–d Ratstatt 1746)

Location (1765)

Schranck I; Fach 14; Lage 4



Scoring (1765)

‘a 4 voci co’ VVni Viola e Basso’

Materials (1765)

Partitura; Parti

Title Partitura

Laudate D’num o’es gentes | Magnificat | In exitu Israel

Uniform Title

Psalms (ps. 116; ps. 113); Canticles


Score copy. Blue-grey cover. Parts missing from Dresden.
Cover title: (hand of Zelenka): C | g# | Cb (left) : Nro. 4 (upper right) | Laudate D’num o’es gentes | Magnificat | In exitu Israel | à 4 | C: A: T: B: | Violin 2 | Viola e | Basso Conti: | Del Sigl: Fischer.
The storage identification written on the upper right by Schürer relates to storage location in the Hofkirche and the Catalogo (1765): Schranck No. I. | 14. Fach, 4. Lage: Incipit.
The scores are in the hand of ZS 0, with some additions by Zelenka of violin and viola parts, as well as indications for the copyist of the parts. Almost no text is given.
The Laudate Dominum and Magnificat settings have ‘long:’ noted in the margin of Zelenka’s Inventarium. In exitu is marked ‘breve’. Laudate Dominum is an a cappella composition.
Zelenka did not include Fischer’s settings Laudate Dominum or Magnificat in his later collection ‘Psalmi varii’.
Horn (Hkm, 134) notes that this psalm setting appears in the print Vesperae seu psalmi vespertini pro toto anno op. III, Augsburg 1701 (RISM F 985), a publication dedicated to the Grand Master of the Kreuzherren Order.
See also Stockigt, ‘The Vespers Psalms of Jan Dismas Zelenka’, App. 2, No. 4.
Horn (‘Die wichtigsten Schreiber’, 164), identified the copyist of Mus. 1865-D-1 as ZS O.


Sächs. Landesbibliothek. Depositum der Kath. Hofkirche


V. 3 (1900): Unlisted.

SLB Card Catalog

Fischer, [Johann Caspar Ferdinand] Vesperae seu Psalmi vespertini op. 3 | Nr. 6, 18, 5]. Ms. 1: Laudate D[omi]num O[mn]es gentes.| Magnificat | In exitu Israel | ...| à 4 | C: A: T: B: | Violin 2 | Viola | e | Basso Conti: [Ms. 1] del Sigl. Fischer | 1. Psalm 113, C dur. Notiert f. SATB; 2. Luc. 1, 46ff, G dur. Notiert teils f. SATB, teils als Rec. acc, teils f. SATB+Instr.; 3. Psalm 116, c moll. Notiert f. SATB+Insts. Mus.1 Drittel d. 18. Jh. Zelenka-Kopist| Zelenka. Partitur - 28 S. + 1 Bl. qu 8vo (20x33.5cm; S. 1/ 2 u. Schlussblatt=blauer Umshlag. [...] vormals irrtümlich unter Leonard Fischer ? catalogiriert. Inst. stimmen bei Nr. 18 ??? Teil u. bei Nr. 5 stellenweise durch Zelenka nachgebragen u. Komp.[...]


Score copies of Laudate Dominum, Magnificat, In exitu Israel by Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer (Mus. 1865-D-1) held by SLUB.; parts missing from Dresden. (It is not known whether these were catalogued by SLB).


[Op. 3. Nos. 6, 18, 5]

Sort Order



“FISCHER,” Catalogue of the Music Collection of the Dresden Catholic Court Church 1765, accessed July 28, 2024,